

假如昨天你们班级以No smoking in public places? 为题开了一次讨论会。请根据以下情况写一篇100字左右的文章介绍讨论会的情况。


15%认为不应该在公共场合禁烟: 1、吸烟有害健康。2、吸烟浪费金钱。3、吸烟对环境和他人也造成了伤害。

85%认为应该在公共场合禁烟:1、吸烟是个人自由。2、吸烟能提高工作效率。3、长期的习惯无法立刻改变。 public places. people’s health and the environment. should have their own right to do the things they like, such as smoking. It is very hard to give up smoking for those people who have smoked for many years. And they think smoking is useful for people to improve their work.

在很多公众场合,我们都可以看到“中式英文”(Chinglish)的标识,我们是否应该彻底清理这些 Chinglish 呢?请结合下面信息,以“Should We Get Rid of Chinglish?”为题,写一篇英语短文。 赞成 1.外国人很难看懂。2.我们应该学习标准英文。 反对 1.“中式英文”丰富了英语本身。2.“中式英文”为我们的生活增添了乐趣。 你的观点 ?

Nowadays Chinglish signs can be seen in many public places, especially in big

learn standard English.

pleasure to our life.

www.99jianzhu.com/包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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