

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每题2分,满分30分)


Buckingham Palace is where the Queen lives. It is the Queen’s official and main royal London home.

Buckingham Palace was originally a splendid house built by the Duke(公爵) of Buckingham for his wife. George IV began changing it into a palace in 1826. It has been the official London home of Britain’s royal family since 1837. Buckingham Palace is also an office and used for the administrative work of the royal family.

When the Queen is at home you can see her royal flag (the Royal Standard) flying from the flag pole on top of Buckingham Palace.

The flag is divided into four equal parts. The first and fourth parts represent England and contain three gold lions waking on a red field; the second part represents Scotland and contains a red lion standing on a gold field; the third part represents Ireland and contains the gold coat of arms of Ireland on a blue field.

In flag protocol (礼仪), the Royal Standard which must only be flown from buildings where the Queen is present is supreme (至高无上的). It flies above the British Union Flag (the Union Jack ), and other British flags. It never flies at half mast.

The guards of the Palace wear red jackets and tall, furry hats. When the first guards come on duty, there is a ceremony called the Changing of the Guard. A familiar sight at Buckingham Palace is the Changing of the Guard ceremony that takes place in the open space in front of it each morning.

The Palace has around 750 rooms, including 19 state rooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 78 bathrooms, 92 offices, a cinema and a swimming pool. It also has its own post office and police station. About 400 people work at the Palace, including servants, chefs, footmen, cleaners, gardeners, electricians, and so on. More than 50,000 people come to the Palace each year as guests to dinners, receptions and Royal Garden Parties.

21. For whom was the original Buckingham Palace built?

A. The Duke of Buckingham. B. The Duke of Buckingham’s wife.

C. George IV. D. George IV’s wife.

22. According to the text, the Royal Standard_________.

A. is flown at Buckingham Palace every morning

B. represents the four countries of the UK

C. flies higher than the British Union Flag

D. flies at half mast only on a few occasions

23. When can a visitor see the Changing of the Guard ceremony?

A. Every morning.B. Every morning and evening.

C. When the Queen’s flag is flying.D. When a flag is flying at the Palace.

24. What is the last paragraph about?

A. People living and working at Buckingham Palace.

B. The royal parties at Buckingham Palace.

C. The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. D. What you can see inside Buckingham Palace.


The story began with a young mother who had three sons. Unfortunately, the youngest son developed slow thinking skills, not having the intelligence of his brothers.

With double duty as the mother of the household, she was exhausted, so that the youngest was often the target of anger and annoyance. Bad words, such as “you little fool” and the like, served as a daily meal for the youngest.

The words and curses he got from the mother and ridicule from friends convinced him that he was distressing and embarrassing his family. Every morning he woke up with his own face staring from the mirror reflection, he started to say quietly and sadly, “The fool is going to school.”

As adult citizens, there was compulsory military service which should be lived. Thus, the youngest son also signed up and started to follow the various tests: a medical, physical ability test and other tests. On the day of the announcement, he was called into the board of examiners.

In his mind, he convinced himself that he was the fool and couldn’t pass the tests this time as he entered the room with his head down. It was not expected at all. The tests turned out to have the highest praise from the board of examiners.

“Congratulations, young man! Your test results are incredible! You are really a great and talented young man. ”Words from the board of examiners became the discovery of a new side of himself that was not known in advance. Voice kept echoing in his mind, such as “I, the great man, am in the shower”, “the great man washes his face”, “The talented young man again brushes his teeth” and so on. Confidence and improved self-image came beyond usual.

Twenty years later, the youngest established himself as a successful businessman who was admired and respected, and received many awards.

The mindset and belief are the power behind the success that is within us. Whatever we think and believe in or minds continuously, it will eventually materialize in reality. That’s the universally applicable law.

25. Why was the youngest often scolded by his mother?

A. He was not as clever as his brother. B. He considered himself to be a fool.

C. He didn’t behave himself at school. D. He didn’t cook meals for his mother.

26. From the story we know that the young mother is ____.

A. selfish and lazy B. gentle and caring

C. ill-tempered and impatient D. kind-hearted and diligent

27. What happened to the youngest son later on?

A. He received aid from others.

B. He developed strange mental diseases.

C. He became confident and successful.

D. He became an admirable psychologist.

27. From this passage, the author tells us that____.

A. military service can change a person completely

B. mothers’ attitude toward children is important

C. even a fool can become a successful businessman

D. think big and you will get big results


John Nash, a Nobel Prize winner and a mathematical genius whose struggle with mental illness was documented in the Oscar-winning film A Beautiful Mind, was killed in a car accident on May 24th, 2015.

Born in West Virginia, Nash displayed a keenness for mathematics early in life,independently proving Femret's little theorem(定理)before graduating from high school. By the time he turned 30 in 1958,he was an unquestionable academic celebrity. At Princeton, Nash published a 27-page thesis that led to applications to economics,international politics, and evolutionary biology

His signature solution-known as a "Nash Equilibrium(纳什均衡)”-found that competition among two opponents,not necessarily governed by zero-sum logic. Two opponents can, for instance,each achieve their maximum objectives through cooperating with the other, or gain nothing at all by refusing to cooperate. It is now regarded as one of the most important social science ideas in the 20th century.

In the late 1950s, Nash began a slide into mental illness. By the time Nash was awarded the Nobel Prizein Economics in 1994, he hadn't published a paper in 36 years. But like a child cured of a nightmare by the switch of a light, Nash recovered from his illness seemingly by choosing not to be sick anymore. He continued to work, travel,and speak at conferences for the rest of his life.

In 2001,the release of the film A Beautiful Mind,based an Sylvia Nasar’s 1998 book of the same name,introduced Nash's unusual life story to an international audience

29.John Nash passed away because of__________

A. a mental illness B. a traffic accident C. overwork D. starvation

30.According to“Nash Equilibrium",what will happen if two opponents refuse to cooperate?

A. They will lose the support from each other

B. They will achieve their maximum objectives.

C. They will get nothing at all.

D. They will get what they really want

31.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. John Nash's Sudden Death

B. John Nash's Equilibrium

C. John Nash's Extraordinary life

D. John Nash's Mental illness.


Many critics worry about violence on television, most out of fear that it stimulates viewers to violent or aggressive acts. Our research, however, indicates that the consequences of experiencing TV’s symbolic world of violence may be much more far-reaching.

We have found that people who watch a lot of TV see the real world as more dangerous and frightening than those who watch very little. Heavy viewers are less trustful of their fellow citizens, and more fearful of the real world. Since most TV “action-adventure” dramas occur in urban settings, the fear they inspire may contribute to the current flee of the middle class from our cities. The fear may also bring increasing demands for police protection, and election of law-and-order politicians.

While none of us is completely dependent upon television for our view of the world, neither have many of us had the opportunity to observe the reality of police stations, courtrooms, corporate board rooms, or hospital operating rooms. Although critics complain about the fixed characters and plots of TV dramas, many viewers look on them as representative of the real world. Anyone who questions that statement should read the 250,000 letters, most containing requests for medical advice, sent by viewers to “Marcus Welby, M.D.” —a popular TV drama series about a doctor— during the first five years of his practice on TV.

Violence on television leads viewers to regard the real world as more dangerous than it really is, which must also influence the way people behave. When asked, “Can most people be trusted?” the heavy viewers were 35 percent more likely to choose “Can’t be too careful.”

Victims, like criminals, must learn their proper roles, and televised violence may perform the teaching function all too well. Instead of worrying only about whether television violence causes individual displays of aggression in the real world, we should also be concerned about social reality. Passive acceptance of violence in the face of injustice may result from far greater social concern than occasional displays of individual aggression.

We have found that violence on prime-time(黄金时段)network TV cultivates overstated assumptions about the threat of danger in the real world. Fear is a universal emotion, and easy to exploit. The overstated sense of risk and insecurity may lead to increasing demands for protection, and to increasing pressure for the use of force by established authority. Instead of threatening the social order, television may have become our chief instrument of social control.

32.Which of the following is NOT among the consequences of watching TV too much?

A. Asking the police for protection. B. Supporting more politicians.

C. Distrusting people around.D. Moving into rural areas.

33. According to the passage, why did “Marcus Welby, M.D.” receive so many letters?

A. Because the TV appealed to people to pay attention to health.

B. Because certain TV programmes recommended him to viewers.

C. Because he was an experienced doctor and saved many lives.

D. Because viewers believed the doctor did exist in the real life.

34. According to the author, _________ is mainly to blame for people’s fear of the real world.

A. social reality B. network TV C. individual display of violence D. televised violence

35. We can infer from the passage that __________.

A. people learn to protect themselves from dangers after watching TV violence

B. people tend to be aggressive or violent after watching TV too much

C. the occasional displays of individual aggression may threaten the social order

D. watching TV may cause the misuse of authority and disturb the social order

第二节 七选五 (共5小题;每题2分,满分10分)

Noticing the signals that people send out with their body language is a very useful social with a little extra attentiveness, you can learn to read body language, and with enough practice it'll become second nature.

farther away that someone is,the less they actually care about the situation or person. If you move slightly closer to them, do they move slightly further away? That means they don't want your interaction to be any more personal than it already is. And if they respond by getting even closer to you, they probably really like you or are very comfortable around/by you.

It is worth noting that personal space is culturally difference; keep in mind that what is considered close in one country is far away in another.

as a habit, it may indicate that the person is slightly reserved, uncomfortable with their appearance (In other words, self conscious and trying to cover it), or just trying to hide something on their shirt. If their arms are crossed while their feet are shoulder width or wider apart, this is a position of toughness or authority. If someone rests their arms behind their neck or head, they are open to what is being discussed or just easy-going in general. If their hands are on their hips, they might be

A. If they don't move further away, then they are receptive.

B. How to read body language needs to be learned.

C. Some of us can read it naturally and some of us can’t at all.

D. If their hands are closed, they may be angry, or nervous.

E. People with crossed arms are closing themselves to social influence.

F. Pay attention to how close someone is to you.

G. Some people tend not to move further away.

第三部分 英语知识应用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分) Sandy Greenberg came from a poor family. He went to Columbia University on a scholarship Unfortunately, Sandy had a(n) disease during his second year at Columbia to him —along.

him at Oxford. His former roommate said, “Sandy, I'm really __in graduate school, and I don't want to do this.”

“Well, what do you want to do?” Sandy __His roommate told him, “Sandy, I really love to ____ that I need $ 500.” Sandy took all his life savings without and sent it to his roommate. Well, his roommate was the famous singer, Art Garfunkel, and he up with another musician, Paul Simon. That $ 500 them make a record that finally became The Sounds of Silence.

end of the story of doing well by doing good.

41 A.advice B.aid C.crisis D. pressure

42 A. bone B.ear C. eye D. nose

43 A. luckily B.finally C.sadly D. excitedly

44 A. lend B. offer C. return D. read

45 A.graduate B. research C.leave D.survive

46 A. borrow B. earn C. keep D.save

47 A.never B. also C. either D.still

48 A.call B. card C. message D. report

49 A. unhealthy B.unhappy C. homesick D. lonely

50 A.suggested B.laughed C. answered D. asked

51 A.sing B.dance C. work D. travel

52 A.clean B. try C. wave D. wash

53 A. win B. prove C. do D.earn

54 A. permission B. hesitation C.consideration D. expectation

55 A. former B. present C. later D.other

56 A. showed B. came C.teamed D.let

57 A.helped B. hoped C.saw D. let

58 A.interests B.opportunities C.feelings D. difficulties

59 A.across B. along C. by D.in

60 A.take B. learn C.like D. give

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错

I'm Tom and I'm writing to apply for the assistant post you advertised on


It is stated in my resume, I graduated from Hainan University with outstanding

academic performances. I have a good command of English, it is an advantage when apply for a job like this. Among all the factors, cooperation is the most important

strength of a good assistant. I think I do good in the team work and I'm good at communicate with different people. Besides, I once get a part-time job in 2012 in Sanya and gained some precious work experience.

Since your company attaches important to employees' creativity, that's an honor

for me to be one of your staff. I'm positive that I can be capable of this job if offering the chance. Thanks for your consideration.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


请以“One Person/Thing I’m impressed with” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,记





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