

Oh, Otto! 学案

By 19

I.General questions:

1. (1) What do you think of Otto?


(2) Otto had difficulties understanding some words. Find them out and write down the

1. Find out the new boy’s personal information.

Name:__________________Age: _________________ Place:__________________Colour: ___________________

2. (1) Why was Charlie cross? (What did Otto do to make Charlie cross?)


(2) What did Charlie do to Otto then?

_______________________________________________________________________ III. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4:


Did Otto and Jo go the right way to find Treasure? What about other Students?


2. What happened to Charlie and Josh?


3. According to (根据) the clues, can you draw the correct way of treasure hunt with givenpictures?

IV. Fill in the blank with one word according to the story.

The children were b__________ working in class. Then a new boy named Otto

came in. Miss Underwood asked him to be a d__________. Jo, who sat next to him, should g___________ him a hand when

he got into t____________. However, Otto made lots of mistakes. His classmate, Charlie, didn’t like him. In the afternoon, the class had a Treasure Hunt. Charlie, Josh and other students went the wrong way. Luckily, with the help of Otto, Jo and Otto found the Treasure behind a p________ of spelling books. And they shared the chocolates with others.


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