


1、 Jim never copies your homework, _____ ?

A. does Jim B. doesn’t heC. does he 2、Tommy has a pen, A. hasn’t heB. isn’t he C. doesn’t he D. wasn’t he3、 Alice had a wonderful time yesterday, ______?

A. hadn’t sheB. wasn’t sheC. didn’t she D. wouldn’t she 4、The tall man over there is our new English teacher, _________? A. is heB. is there C. isn’t heD. isn’t there 5、―He hardly has any friends to play with , _____ he?―_______! That’s why he feels lonely from time to time.

A. hasn’t, NoB. doesn’t, YesC. does, Yes D. does, No 6、----He’s never put his effort into his study before, . He does very badly in all his subjects.

A. hasn’t, Yes B. is, No C. has, YesD. has, No 7、He never goes to Yancheng, ______?

A. doesn’t heB. is heC. isn’t heD. does he

8、-----He’s never been to Canada before, _____?-----Sorry, I don’t know.

A. is heB. has he C. isn’t heD. hasn’t he 9、—He hardly caught the train yesterday afternoon,—

A. did; Yes, he didB. didn’t; Yes, he did C. did; No, he didn’tD. didn’t; No, he didn’t

10、—He’s never told lies,_________ he ?—__________,he’s an honest boy. A. is , NoB. isn’t , YesC. has , NoD. hasn’t , Yes

11、They hardly hurt themselves in the accident last night, _________? A. don’t theyB. didn’t theyC. did they D. do they 12、--Let’s go shopping, _____?--Ok, let’s go.

A. do you B. don’t youC. will you D. shall we 13、The boy hardly ever goes swimming ,_____ _____ ? Adoesn’theBdoes heChas he Dhasn’the14、He has never been to Beijing, ______?A. hasn't he B. has he C. doesn't he15、Don’t forget to give my dog some food and change her water, ______? A.will youB.do you C.won’t you D.shall we 16、 There is little left, ________ ?

A. is itB. isn’t it C. isn’t there D. is there 17、You have to keep quiet while watching the film, _______ you?

A. haven’t B. don’tC. didn’tD. will 18、 This book cost her twenty yuan ,A. didn’t it B. doesn’t it C. did it D. does it 19、–There are always many volunteers in great events, ________? --Yes. Many hands make light work.

A. are there B. aren’t thereC. aren’t theyD. are they 20、Ellen seldom goes swimming in the river alone, ____________ ?A. does heB. doesn’t heC. does she D. doesn’t she

21、—Rose, we will start at six tomorrow morning. Don't be late,______?—_______,I'll be there on time

A.won't you;Yes,I willB.will you;Yes,I will C.will you;No,I won't D.won't you,No,I won't

22、I don’t think dropping litter is allowed in Yellow River Park, ________?A. do IB. is it C. isn’t it D. don’t I

23、— Sarah, you are going to Ireland to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, ______ you?— Yes, I’m going to celebrate it with my cousins.A. areB. aren’t C. will D. won’t

24、There is nobody in the room,________?

A. isn’t it B. isn’t thereC. is thereD. is it 25、— This place used to be full of trees,it? — Yes. But now it has turned into buildings.

A. didB. didn’tC. was D. wasn’t

26、— Kate’s allowed to chat on WeChat with her friends at home,she? — Yes. Her parents think she is old enough.

A. doesn’tB. isn’tC. does D. is 27、Jim never goes to the movies on Saturday, ________?

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