Unit 4 life in the Future


Unit 4 life in the Future(Reading Class)



I. Analysis of the Teaching material

This lesson is from New Senior English for China Student's Book 5--unit 3 Life in the future. The main topic of this unit is about the future life. As the central part of this unit, the reading part is an science article about the future life presented by a story, which can make students know about the future world and motivate their imagination on life and the earth.

II. Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aims:

①Ss can master key words and expressions in this passage: constantly, uncertain, capsule, remind, swept up, and so on; expressions like provide...with, be made of, as though, etc. ②Ss can know and master the grammar point of past participate as the adverbial and attribute.

2. Ability aims:

①Ss can practice the reading skills of Skimming, Scanning, discussing and summarizing in this class.

②Ss can talk about life in the past, present and future.

3. Emotion aims:

①Ss can make predication about the future life and realize the importance of protecting the earth.

②Ss can improve their confidence and interests to express in the class.

III. Teaching key points and difficult points

1. Key points:

①key words and phrases: guide, capsule, adjustment; well-known, as though, lost sight of; and so on.

②through reading passage, Ss can know about the detailed information of future life, and induct the attitude of people towards the future life.

2. Difficult points:

①Ensure Ss can understand and master the usage of the past participate as the adverbial and attribute.

②enable Ss to talk about the life in the past, at present and in the future confidently and fluently.

IV. Teaching methods

TBLT(task-based language teaching)

V. Teaching aids

Multimedia, PPT, pictures

VI. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Warming up(6mins)

①Show some groups of pictures of transportation, language, education, house, communication, environment, and let them describe the life and the differences between the past and the present.

②After previous discussion of life in the past and the present, and then play a short episode of a film The Terminator, and inspire them to image what will these item(transportation, house, education, language,communication,etc.) be like in 1000 years. (Purposes: based on their cognition of the life in the past and at the present, encourage Ss to talk about it and imagine the life in the future, in this way, they can prepare them for the following content about the future life. )

Step 2 Pre-reading(2mins)

Look at the title of the passage: First Impression, and ask Ss to guess what are these first impressions on?

(Purpose: to motivate the interests of them and inspire to have a

creative idea on what they will learn.)

Step 3 While-reading(22mins)

While-reading will be presented by three tasks: skimming, scanning and careful reading.

Task 1 Skimming for general idea(5mins)

Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and answer two questions: ①how did Li Qiang get to the year 3008?

②what did he notice first when he arrived in AD3008? ③what else did he find it different?

After answering these three question, lead them to summarize the general idea of the passage: it talk about how Li Qiang got to the future and his impression on it.

(Purpose: through skimming, lead Ss to catch the main idea of the passage by answering questions, which is suitable for their ability.)

Task 2 Scanning (6mins)

Read the passage quickly, and then put the following sentences into correct orders:

A. I made adjustment to the new situation and learn learn how to use the hovering carriage driven by computers.

B. I flew after Wang Ping to his home and he shows something

miraculous and surprising to me.

C. I took up the prize I won to travel to the year AD3800.

D. I realized that I had been transported into the future of what was still my home town.

E. I was transported safely into the future in a time capsule by my friend Wang Ping’s parents’ company,

(Answer: CEADB)

(Purpose: Through this exercise, Ss will know more about the passage and learn how to judge and remember information.) Task 3 detailed reading(11mins)

A. Ask Ss to read this passage carefully or in detail, and answer the following questions about each paragraph. Para1: ①Why did Li Qiang travel to the future?

②What is “time lag”?

Para2: How did Li Qiang feel in the capsule?

Para3:①How did he feel when arriving the destination? ②How did Wang Ping do to solve Li’s headache?

③How did Li realize he was still in his hometown?

Para4: what are different or surprising in Wang Peng’s home? (purpose: through question, Ss can get the detailed information of each paragraph, and it also can practice their reading ability with question and their expressive ability.)

B. After answering those question, and then fill the blanks about Li’s travel to the future.

1. Li Qiang was transported into the future in for the first time and suffered from in the AD3008.

2. Hit by the lack of , he felt . To solve his problem, Wang Ping gave him a to put on.

3. Wang Ping fastened the safety belt and showed Li how to use the hovering carriage, which above the ground. By down in the seat, you can move swiftly.

4. When they reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by _________, Li of Wang and realize he was still in his hometown.

5. Arriving at Wang’s home, he found it . Wang a switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor by magic.

(Purpose: through this exercise, Ss can know more details about this passage, on the other hand, they can master the key words and phrases.)

Step 4 post-reading:pair work(10mins)

①Ask Ss to describe some good and bad changes to life in AD 3008 in this passage for their own choice with their partner. After discussion, write down their choice in the following chart. (Purposes: inspire Ss to talk about the life in the future confidently, freely and master the important points of this passage.)

②Free discussion: ask them to think about attitude of the writer towards future life, optimistic or pessimistic. And let some students to share their opinion.

(Purpose: let Ss extend their mind and encourage to express themselves in English freely, moreover, it can practice to induct information based on the information given. At the same time, the class can be more lively.)

Step 5 Homework(1mins)

①Finish the rest exercises on P20 and review the passage and find the difficult words and sentences.

②Try to retell the story by your own words

(Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of the passage and practice their expressive ability.)

VII. Blackboard design

VIII. Teaching reflection

I will do my teaching reflection according to these 3 aspects: achievement of teaching aims、performance of students and effectiveness of teaching.

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