1. 将词缀和词根的中文意思写出来
2. 将所给例词的词缀和词根构成分析清楚并把生词意思查出来
3. 根据自己的词汇知识,结合查字典,给出更多含有该词缀或词根的单词
4. 尽量多记一些具有代表性的单词
5. 后缀部分比较简单,请大家自己总结。
Co = together, with (一起,共同)
Coalition, coeducation, coerce联合,联盟;男女合校的教育; 强迫(一起约束)
Coexist;coeval;cohabitation (co + habit + ation); cohere (co + here (to stickc)); cooperate; colleague; collinear (co + line(line) + ar); coincide
1. a- = on
abed, afoot, aloof, asleep
2. a- = intensive
alight, alike, aloud, arise, await
3. a- = negative, not, without
achromatic, amoral, asylum, aphasia, anonymous
4. ab- = from, away from, off
abnormal, abortion, abuse, abdicate
5. ambi- = on both sides, about, around ambient, ambiguous, ambivalent
6. amphi- = on both sides, around amphibian, amphitheatre
7. an- = negative= not, without
anesthetic, anarchy, anemia
8. ante- = before (与post-相反) antecedent, antedate, anticipate
9. anti- = against, opposite to (与pro-相反) antipathy, antibiotic, antonym
10. auto- = self
autobiography, autonomy, autocracy
11. be- = to make
becalm, befool, belittle
12. bene- = well, good
benediction, beneficial, benefit
13. bi- = double, two
bilingual, bipod, biweekly
14. circum- = around, round, about
circumstance, circulate, circuit
15. com- /con- = together, with, wholly
combat, combine, commemorate, commute, compose, compile concentrate, conclude, concord, concourse, condense
16. contra- = against
contradict, contrast, controvert, counterpart
17. de- = down, downward
debase, deduce, decay
18. de- = apart from
debark, decode, detach, deficit, denude, detour
19. deca- = ten
decade, Decalogue, decapods, decigram
20. di- = double, twice
dilemma, diphthong
21. dis- = apart, away
disable, disannul, disapprove
22. duo- = two, double
duodecimal, double, dual, duet
23. en- = in, into, on, at, near
enact, enclose, encourage, endeavor, engrave, enlarge, enrage
24. epi- = upon, to, besides, among
epic, epidemic, epigraph, episode
25. eu- = well
eugenics, eulogy, euphony, euphemism
26. ex- = out of, fully
exaggerate, exceed, excel, exclude, exotic, expire
27. extra- = beyond
extracurricular, extrajudicial, extrasensory
28. for- = away from
forget, forbid, forgo, forsake
29. fore- = befor
forearm, forefront, foresee, forsight
30. hecto- = hundred
hectogram, hectograp
31. hetero- = other, different
heterodox, heteronym, heterogeneous
32. hexa- = six
hexagon, hexapod
33. homo- = same (与hetero-相反)
homogeneous, homograph, homosexual
34. hyper- = above, beyond
hyperactive, hyperbole, hypercriticism
35. in- = in, into, on
inbeing, inborn, inbreathe, incarnate, innate
36. in- = negative = not
inaccessible, inadequate, indecisive
37. inter- = between, among
interchange, interior, interlude
38. intra-, intro- = within, inward
intra-office, intrapersonal, introduce, introvert
39. kilo- = thousand
kilobyte, kilowatt, kilometer
40. macro- = large, long
macroanalysis, macroeconomics, macrobiotics
41. mal- = badly, ill
maladjustment, maltreat, malady
42. micro- = small
microphone, microscope, microwave
43. milli- = thousand, thousandth milligram, millimeter, millennial
44. mis- = wrong(ly), bad(ly), ill
misaddress, misbelieve, misdeed, mislead
45. mono- = single, sole, alone
monocracy, monolingual, monotonous
46. multi- = many, much
multichannel, multiform, multitude
47. neo- = new
neoclassicism, Neolithic, neologism
48. non- = not
nondurable, nonaligned, nonaggression
49. ob- = as, towards, at, before, upon, over, about, near
obedient, obituary, oblige , obscene, obtain, obvious
50. octa-, octo- = eight
octagon, October, octopus, octuplet
51. out- = out, beyond
outbreak, outdo, outlaw, outlandish, outline, outnumber, outrage, outrun, outshine
52. over- = above, across, beyond
overact, overburden, overdo, overlap, oversleep
53. pan- = all
pan-American, panorama, pantheon
54. para- beside, beyond, against, contrary
parable, parachute, paradox, parallel, paramount, parasite. Parasol
55. penta- = five
pentachord, pentagon, pentagram
56. peri- = around, round about
perimeter, period, periscope
57. poly- = many
polygamy, polygon, polysyllable
58. post- = after, behind (与ante-相反)
postdate, postdoctoral, postpone, postscript
59. pre- = before
precaution, predict, prepare
60. pro- = for, before, forth, forward
proceed, proclaim, produce, propel, prospect
61. pseudo- = false
pseudoscience, pseudonym, pseudomorph
62. quadr- = four
quadrennial, quadruple, quadruped
63. quasi- = partly
quasi-experimental, quasi-official, quasi-contract
64. re- = again, back
rewrite, recall, reclaim
65. retro- = backward
retrospect, retrograde, retroact
66. se- = away, apart
seduce, secede, segregate
67. semi- = half
semiannual, semiconscious, semifinal
68. sept- = seven
septangle, septennial, septilateral
69. sex- = six
sexcentenary, sexennial, sextuple
70. sub- = under
subconscious, subdue, subject, submerge
71. super- = above, over
superb, superficial, superior
72. syn-, sym- = with, together
synchronism, synonym, synthesis, sympathy, symphony, symptom
73. tele- = far away
telegram, telephone, telescope
74. trans- = beyond, across, over
transaction, transform, transgress
75. tri- = three, threefold
triangle, tricycle, trichord
76. ultra- = beyond
ultra-short, ultramarine, ultraviolet
77. un- = not
unalterable, unauthorized, unchangeable
78. un- = the reversal of an action
unarm, unbutton, uncover, undo, unveil
79. under- = under, beneath
underage, underdeveloped, undergo, undertake
80. uni- = one
unicorn, uniform, unique, unity
81. up- = up, aloft
uphold, upgrade, uplift, uproot, uproar, upsurge
82. vice- = in place of
vice-chairperson, vice-principal, vice-chancellor
83. with- = against, back
withdraw, withhold, withstand
1. –ain
2. –aire
3. –an, ian, -ean
4. -ant
5. –ar
6. –ard, -art
7. –ary
8. –ate
9. –ee
10. -eer
11. –en
12. –ent
13. –er
14. –ese
15. –ess
16. –eur
17. –herd
18. –ier
19. –iff
20. –ist
21. –ite
22. –ive
23. –man, -sman
24. –on
25. –or
26. –ster
27. –y, -yer
1. -cle
2. -el, -le
3. -en, -in
4. -et, -ette
5. -kin
6. -let
7. -ling
8. -ock
9. -ule
10. -ie, -y
1. –ace
2. –ade
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