



dim – faint – vague模糊的,暗淡的 adequate– enough – plentiful - sufficient 充足的adequate – competent – qualified 胜任的 mostly – mainly – for the most part 主要地decide – determine – make up one’s mind决定, 下决心possess- own- have 拥有

result – consequence – effect -- outcome 结果 effect – realize 实现realize -- know – be aware of – be conscious of 意识到remember – memorize 记住reason – cause-- motive 原因 cause – bring about 造成 obtain – get – gain 得到a certain – some 某一个的 certain – sure – positive – doubtless确定的

employ-- hire 雇佣 employ – use 使用, 利用 scare – frighten 使害怕

at risk-- in danger 处于危险之中out of question – doubtless 毫无疑问的

out of the question – impossible – unlikely 不可能的 authentic – original – true原创的 call for – ask – require – request -- demand – insist on要求

call off – cancel 取消 call sb. up – telephone sb. 给某人打电话 get up – arise 起床raise – increase 增加 immediately – right away – at once 立刻 look for–seek for 寻找look after – take care of – care for 照顾 look forward to – expect 盼望, 期待

look up to–respect 尊敬 lost–missing丢失 offer–give 给与discuss – debate – talk over 讨论discussion – debate讨论sympathize/express sympathy– feel sorry 感到同情reject – refuse – decline – turn down 拒绝 though – although- while 尽管

beautiful – pretty – attractive – lovely -- handsome 美丽的

famous – noted –distinguished – celebrated 著名的

complete – finish – accomplish -- fulfill 完成 dark – black 黑色的 darken – blacken 使变黑 mild – gentle 温柔的, 温和的 strange – odd 奇怪的

surprised – astonished – shocked 感到吃惊的 surprising – astonishing – shocking 令人吃惊的proper – appropriate 适当的 suitable – fit 适合的 fit – healthy 健康的finally – at last – in the end – eventually – ultimately(A 级) 最终的

put off – postpone – delay 推迟 end – finish – stop –cease-- come to an end—停止participate in –take part in–join in – be involved in 参加 now and then -occasionally偶尔 constantly – continuously – endlessly不断地criticize-- blame批评grasp – catch hold of 抓住follow – understand-- grasp 理解

consider -take …into consideration – take …into account 把…考虑在内

recently – lately 最近tolerate – bear – stand – put up with – endure忍受abandon – give up 放弃 rescue – save 拯救transform – change 转变

change – alter – vary 改变, 变化 increase – add to – enhance增加

cure – treat 治疗accidentally – by chance – by accident 偶然

sometimes – from time to time – at times 有时 ready – prepared 有准备的

get ready for – get prepared for 为…做好准备 ready – willing 乐意的

rarely – hardly – seldom 很少, 几乎不usually – normally 通常地

normal – common – usual – average 通常的protect – preserve 保护

slight –a little 轻微的harmful – damaging -- bad 有害的 harm – damage 损害hurt – injure 伤害 shine – polish擦亮 deadly – killing – fatal 致命的affect – influence – impact - shape 影响 fair – just 公正的 repair – fix 修理

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