












例:How much is the shirt?

A.£1 9.1 5.B.£9.1 8.C.£9.1 5.


1.When does the conversation take place?

A.During a holiday.B.In the middle of a term.C.At the beginning of a term.

2.Why can’t the man drive the woman tomorrow?

A.He has a doctor’s appointment.

B.He can’t drive the car himself.

C.He will be working in a shop.

3.What will the woman do?

A.Phone her mother. B.Visit her mother C.Charge her cell phone.

4.For whom will a party be held?

A.The man. B.The woman. C.Nancy.

5.What does the woman mean?

A.Most American mothers work.

B.Only 10%of American mothers work.

C.Her mother is a housewife.

第二节(共1 5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A school uniform. B.A festival. C.A new Year party.

7.What does the woman decide to do?

A.Go on a holiday. B.Go to a party with the man. C.Stay with her family.


8.How does the man feel ?

A.Nervous. B.Confident. C.Excited

9.What does the man want to do next?

A.Drink some water. B.Go to the bathroom.C.Continue talking with the woman.

听第8段材料,回答第10至l 2题。

10.Why does the girl want to have a car?

A.To be independent.

B.To show her responsibility.

C.To travel with her friends.

11.Where does the girl study?

A.In a college. B.In a university. C.In a high school.

12.Why doesn’t the man buy his daughter a car now?

A.He can’t afford another car.

B.He wants his daughter to earn a car.

C.He thinks his daughter is too young to drive.


13.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Business partners. B.Friends. C.Strangers.

14.What do the speakers have in common?

A.They both five in New York.

B.They are both traveling on business.

C.They are both staying in the hotel.

15.What is the man's favorite part of the hotel?

A.The breakfast. B.The service. C.The pool.

16.What does the woman imply about the hotel?

A.The prices are reasonable.

B.It doesn’t seem like a nice hotel from the outside.

C.The service didn’t use to be anything special.


17.What is The Bookworm?

A.A literary festival. B.A bookstore. C.A cafe.

18.Who is Peter Hessler?

A.A writer. B.A musician. C.A photographer,

19.What was the speaker excited about?

A.Finding his favorite magazine.

B.Attending Peter Hessler’s speech.

C.Heating a famous band play music.

20.What was the speaker’s mistake?

A.Mistaking the place. B.Mistaking the day. C.Mistaking the year.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




“What’s for dinner,Mom?”

I couldn’t help the smile that broke out on my face upon heating those words.The last-meal-of-the-month had become an eagerly awaited family adventure and I’ll admit,I enjoyed the challenge.“I don’t know,”I answered,“but I’m sure I’ll come up with something.”My son watched as I gathered whatever I found in the refrigerator and cupboards and placed them on the counter where my imagination would magically work out a dinner plan.

With a low income and five hungry mouths to feed,plus our pets,we needed a plan.We made every penny count.It made sense that the more shopping trips we made,the more money we spent and so we shopped once a month,saving money as well as gasoline.In the summer we gardened,preserving our food by canning or freezing our harvest.During the fall and winter I picked delicious greens stored in an old sliding glass can.We ate simple foods and only in season.

No recipes here.And while my family should have eagerly awaited that first meal of the month,when the house was full of fleshly stocked groceries,the last-meal-of-the-month was the one that attracted all the attention.It became an amusing guessing game as the family wondered what I’d come up with next.

One evening I placed my last-meal-of-the-month masterpiece on the table.“What’s that?” my kids asked,excitedly waiting for the mystery dinner.As I removed the lid from the pan,I heard“Seems yummy!”The family ate the entire meal and insisted I make it again soon.As we cleared the table,my daughter asked,“Mom,what was in that sauce?”With a smile on my face I proudly answered,“I made it from the leftover green peas.”

My children are all grown,but today I still budget.Delicious homemade food is one of life’s greatest pleasures and a family tradition,but we keep it simple in our home.And believe it or not,we still eat a few of our favorite 1ast-day-of-the-month,thrown-together meals.Simple doesn’t get any better than that!

21.How did the family manage to live through the winter months?

A.By shopping from store to store. B.By gardening on their own farm.

C.By canning their food in summer.D.By eating simple foods in season.

22.Why did the family expect their last meal of a month?

A.Because it’s traditional.

C.Because it’s fresh. B.Because it’s unfamiliar. D.Because it’s mysterious.

23.Which of the following best describe the writer?

A.Creative and saving.

C.Intelligent and critical. B.Hard-working and generous. D.Thoughtful and conservative.

24.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.An amusing guessing game B.The Last Meal of the Month

C.Traditional family food recipes D.How to be a good housewife


It’s incredibly frustrating when computers slow down or stop working for seemingly no reason at all.And even after all the diagnostics,upgrades,and money spent,the amount of time waiting for that spinning wheel or hourglass to disappear never seems to get any shorter.Your once new,lightning-fast computer just keeps getting slower as each day passes.Fortunately,there’s a new device that has recently hit the market.

What is it then?

It’s called Xtra—PC.And if you have an old,slow

computer,it is exactly what you’ve been waiting for.

Xtra—PC is a small thumb drive you simply plug into your

computer’s USB port and it instantly transforms your old

to like new.It works with any computer(Mac or

Windows)laptop,desktop,and netbooks made in 2004 or later.It is the cheapest and easiest solution to getting your computer fast again.

With Xtra—PC,there’s no need to spend hundreds of dollars on your old computer—which only has .It makes no sense.But getting Xtra—PC does,which is why the big computer companies are against this incredibly powerful little device!

How Does It Work?

Super easy!All you have to do is…

Plug it in—Simply plug Xtra—PC into a USB port while your computer is turned off.

Turn Your Computer On—Select‘Boot from USB’and bingo,you’re good to go.

Enjoy New PC—In less than 15 minutes you’11 be shocked at the difference in the performance of your computer.

What Can I Do With My Like—New Computer?

Everything! With Xtra—PC you’ll be able to do the things you normally do,such as surfing the web,sharing on social media ,writing emails,watching videos,playing games,safely shopping online,and more!

How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?


This is not a joke.Xtra—PC is only$24,99 !And they offer a 30-Day money back guarantee.There honestly is no good reason not to try Xtra—PC.

25.Which of the following best explains the underlined phrase“peter out”in paragraph 5?

A.become better

C.work peacefully B.get cheaper D.become weaker

26.Why has Xtra—PC recently hit the market?

A.Because it’s incredibly frustrating.

B.Because it performs differently.

C.Because it’s cheap,efficient and convenient.

D.Because it looks like a new computer

27.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The producer is honest enough.

B.It’s worthwhile to buy Xtra—PC.

C.You need a good reason to try Xtra—PC.

D.Xtra—PC is offered for entertainment.


Most people know about the boomerang(回力棒),the legendary Australian throwing tool which,once released,returns to its owner.But have you heard of the boomerang generation? This refers to a phenomenon of people who move back home after briefly 1eaving their parents’houses for university in Western culture.Most of these young adults were born between the mid—1970s and mid—1980s.They are likened to the boomerang because they return to their home,just like the throwing too1.

Monster,a job search company,reported in a survey that 48 percent of prospective(未来的)graduates planned on becoming“boomerang kids”,returning home after graduation.Although many expected to just make a quick stop before getting their own place,Monster discovered that 42 percent of graduates said they were still living with their parents.

What is the cause of this passive generation? It may not be only the young people’s fault.The long-term economic recession(不景气)has made it difficult for college graduates to find jobs,while the cost of living has continued to rise.And as a result,many young people have lost hope and

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