江苏省淮安市洪泽县新区中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Task


Unit 1 Friends


1. 通过预习,了解如何用形容词来描述一个朋友的相貌和品质。

2. 了解如何根据写作要求为自己的文章构思。

3. 了解文章的结构:导入、主体和结论。


Activity I大声朗读并背诵下列单词和短语,试着默一遍吧! (P16-17)

1.(正)方形的 _____2.微笑的,带着笑意的_______ 3.英俊的 ______4.(肥)胖的 _____

5. 勤奋的,工作努力的 _______ 6.耐心的_______ 7.微笑 n. ______8、不快乐的______

9.杰出的,极好的________(没有最高级) 10. 深褐色_________

11.他的外貌和个性_________________12.说你最好的朋友是谁 ___________________13. 即.…又…____________________14.写关于她未来的计划 ____________________

15. 留着长发________________ 16. 五年前第一次碰到她__________________________

17.她的明亮微笑的眼睛______________18. 脸上总是带着微笑 ____________________

19.很耐心 ___________ 20. 使她看起来真的漂亮又善良 __________________________

21.感到无聊或不高兴__________________22.和孩子们一起工作_________________23.长大 ___________ 24.成为一名优秀的老师____________________________________

Activity IIRead and answer the following questions.

1. According to Part A, what words can we use to talk about one's eyes?

2. What does Kate look like?

3.What would Kate like to be when she grows up?

Activity III

Task1: Read Daniel’s article about his best friend Kate again (Part C)!

Task2:Fill in the blanks according to Part C.

Kate is _____my neighbour ______ my best friend. I first _____ her five years ago.

Kate is tall and ______. She has long ____. She has a _____ face and a small _____. I like her bright ______ eyes. They make her look really ______ and kind.

Kate always has a ______ on her face. She helps me _____ my homework and she is very _____. When I feel ____ or unhappy, I often go to her.


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