

选 择 题 强 化 训 练


A. my junior several years C. my several years junior

B. several years my junior D. junior my several years

food, plenty of fruit and vegetables, which I love.

A. junkB. deliciousC. main D. tasty

D 3. A beautiful newly constructed its way along the coast of the island.

A. takesB. turns C. forms D. winds


A. mental B emotionalC. physicalD. psychological

in thousands of children every year.

A. hurt B. handicapC. harm D. damage

A 6.the left mouse button twice and your card design will be printed.

A. Click B. ContactC. Cover D. Crash

C 7. Many beautiful landscapes that glow in the gallery are sadlyin reality.

A. sparked B. reflectedC. decayedD. protected

D 8. Few actors have so fully the deepest feelings of Shakespeare as Olivier Laurence.

A. transmitted B. performedC. managedD. interpreted

A 9. As the policeman approached the door of the bank, hea black briefcase leaning against the wall.

A. spotted B. strolledC. spoiled D. stooped

C 10. Money, of course, is no for the loss of life or limb.

A. toleranceB. responseC. substituteD. incentive

D 11. The goat its neck to make a grab at a fallen twig on the ground.

A. made B. handled C. caught D. twisted

B 12. As a mother, I give advice when my children need it, but basically our relationship isoneequals.

A. with B. betweenC. from D. beneath

C 13. The city of Kyoto, liesby hills and is frequently bathed in mists.

A. surrounds B. surroundingC. surrounded D. to surround

A 14. Banks raised interest rates five times from mid-1989 to mid-1991, squeezing the bubbles in the stock and property markets.

A. in hopes ofB. in charge ofC. in terms ofD. in favor of

B 15. A Xinhua news reporter who has just returned from Iraq the war will give us a talk this afternoon in the auditorium.

A. composingB. coveringC. transmitting D. enclosing

D 16. In America, many people don’t care who the country and seldom go to the polls.

A. fits B. setsC. putsD defect

A 17. It seemed her handicap did not her determination to live an independent life.

A. affect B. infect C. effect D. defect

B 18. This region, now suffering from water shortage, was once fresh water lakes.

A. filled withB. dotted with C. based on D. composed of

C 19. all the money and fancy clothes, Laura is not as happy as she appears to be.

A. Since B. Because C. DespiteD. Though

D 20. I tried to run past him but he the collar of my coat.

A. faded B. folded C. handledD. grabbed

C 21. Theoretically, raising the highest speed from 100 to 150 mph was easy.

A. obscurely B. completelyC. relativelyD. fortunately

D 22. The dress in the window when she walked past the store.

A. took her into account C. caught her breath

B. took her to task D. caught her eye

A 23. It’s silly, but I’d like a copy of this photography.

A. sort of B. different from C. eager forD. appropriate to

B 24. This show will no doubt his growing reputation.

A. bring back B. add to C. call up D. curl up

C 25. The teacher asked a difficult question, but Ted a good answer.

A. ended up in B. got rid of C. came up with D. made up for

B 26. The June 3, 1996 of Newsweek carries a long article about Japan’s future empress.

A. copy B. issue C. magazine D. column

A 27. Bound hand and foot, the victim was left in the lavatory.

A. helpless B. helping C. helpful D. to help

D 28. They have never met, but they have been in with each other for years.

A. comparison B. competition C. conflict D. correspondence

C 29. While my wife and kids were away for the weekend, I had the entire house .

A. by myself B. with myselfC. to myselfD. for myself

B 30. The police warned people to be against burglary during the festival.

A. by chanceB. on guard C. at work D. in danger

A 31. Many university students experience severe tension as final exams .

A. drew nearB. came roundC. took off D. passed away

C 32. Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin under his chin.

A. filled B. stuffed C. tucked D. added

D 33. We have four hours of English a week, including one in the language lab.

A. segment B. section C. selectionD. session

A 34. Their holiday trip was by the frantic search for their lost passports.

A. spoiled B. damaged C. harmed D. effected

C 35. Miss Main kept practicing until she finally herself for the job.

A. adjusted B. adapted C. qualifiedD. behaved

D 36. I that you wouldn’t like to stay indoors if it were not raining.

A. conform B. resume C. consumeD. assume

B 37. She’s still . I’ll ask her to call you when she gets home.

A. on foot B. at work C. off duty D. in debt

C 38. Consumer spending is often an of public confidence in the economy.

A. extent B. element C. index D. instance

A 39. If you really want to apply for the dangerous job I won’t , though I think it’s a crazy idea.

A. stand in your way C. send away for it

B. have it to myself D. go ahead with it

B 40. On seeing the blanket kicked away by the little boy, she wrapped it around him.

A. kindly B. tightly C. angrily D. happily

D 41. Though the job is new to us, we are confident we’ll in a couple of days.

A. come on B. carry on C. pass on D. catch on

A 42. His parents him in a boarding school when he was only seven years old.

A. enrolled B. sentC. arranged D. named

B 43. It was the first time he and I drank together. As I , it was also the last time.

A. remindB. recall C. recognize D. reflect

C 44. The contract had before Mr. Wells was able to find a new job.

A. run offB. run away C. run out D. run after

D 45. The passengers had a chat with the college students as conductors during the summer vacation.

A. turning out B. working out C. giving outD. helping out

C 46. It is rarely useful to try and adjust fully to the time-zone transition before the journey, since this will your life-style too much.

A. renovate B. decay C. interrupt D. flip

D 47. Tourism authorities quickly to reports of the attack, claiming that it was accidental and that crime against tourists was quite rare in the scenic areas.

A. added B. fastened C. skipped D. responded

A 48. If these problems are not early in their training, they can be a real danger to themselves and to their instructors.

A. spottedB. intended C. respondedD. contracted

B 49. If either or you had been able to your anger, the fight would have been avoided.

A. send away B. hold back C. bring backD. catch on

C 50. Rebecca couldn’t hide her embarrassment her husband’s rudeness.

A. on B. inC. atD. to

B 51. After a careful examination, the doctor a new medicine and a three-day rest for her.

A. wrote B. prescribed C. checked D. assumed

A 52. The little girl wore a very thin coat. A sudden gust of wind made her .

A. shiver B. shelter C. shine D. shift

D 53. With tear gas and fire hose the police the demonstrators.

A. divided B. spread C. broke D. scattered

C 54. The drink had a(n) taste which I found quite unpleasant.

A. aggressive B. pleasant C. acid D. delicious

B 55. The road became so slippery after the rain that several cars sideways into the ditch.

A. smashed B. slid C. slammedD. slipped

A 56. Andrew held his elderly mother firmly by the arm in case she on the ice.

A. slipped B. skatedC. skied D. skilled

C 57. Olivia with embarrassment when she couldn’t answer the question.

A. flashed B. fluttered C. flushed D. flattered

D 58. The acrobat walked along the tightrope with a water jar on her head.

A. grabbed B. tuckedC. gazed D. poised

A 59. If I were you, I would ; there is no need to be so nervous.

A. take it easy C. have a ball

B. make my wayD. set my mind

C 60. Philip and his brother decided to spend their weekend their boat.

A. on varnishing B. to varnish C. varnishing D. varnish

D 61. After his father explained the difference to him, the boy became and relaxed.

A. nervous B. tense C. excited D. slack

B 62. A heavy smoker, Mr. Parker finds it nearly impossible to smoking.

A. stand by B. keep from C. stick to D. result in

C 63. Dora would often in silence through the window for hours.

A. grab B. giggle C. gaze D. glimpse

A 64. An extremely wind blew in from the sea, chasing people into their homes for warmth.

A. icy B. pleasant C. warm D. cloudy

B 65. As the wedding ceremony commenced, the bride appeared white.

A. dressing in B. dressed in C. dressing on D. dressed on

D 66. Many people tremble with fear having surgery.

A. in accordance with C. at the beginning of

B. in the front of D. at the thought of

A 67. The airplane took off on time, steadily climbing up eastward for a while and then was .

A. out of sight C. out of reach

B. out of place D. out of step

B 68. It has taken me a while but at last I’ve managed to my fear of public speaking.

A. respondB. conquer C. distribute D. renovate

C 69. Mrs. Fuller went on a diet and in three months her weight to 100 pounds.

A. broke down B. settled down C. brought down D. passed down

D 70. Mr. Miller wrote down his ideas while they were still in his mind.

A. typical B. stale C. definite D. fresh

C 71. Reading newspapers on a daily basis will keep you about what is going on at home and abroad.

A. well-respected C. well-informed

B. well-developed D. well-educated

D 72. Father didn’t from his book when I entered the living room.

A. turn up B. stand up C. sit up D. look up

A 73. While from influenza you should keep from getting wet or overtired.

A. recovering B. protecting C. benefiting D. resulting

B 74. yourself, my dear, and don’t worry about me.

A. Take after B. Look after C. Take care D. Look out

C 75. I knocked several times am elderly lady answered the door.

A. after B. when C. before D. since

B 76. The new dormitory completed a fortnight ago is large enough to over two hundred students.

A. overtake B. accommodate C. prescribeD. interpret

A 77. Tom was at school and got into a lot of fights.

A. aggressive B. friendly C. sympathetic D. helpful

D 78. Lost in the strange town, the farmer found for the night in an abandoned house.

A. shanty B. shelfC. shed D. shelter

C 79. Before I had time to stop the angry father, a punch in the face had the boy’s eye.

A. affected B. grabbed C. bruised D. skipped

B 80. The body that was burned beyond recognition in the air crash was by the gold fillings in the teeth

A. recalledB. identified C. remindedD. recognized

A 81. There is no doubt that their support will in our course.

A. make a difference C. catch our eye

B. stand in our wayD. take us to task

C 82. The villagers heard the guns away all night.

A. blessingB. bleedingC. blasting D. blocking

D 83. Stand , please, and make way for the ambulance.

A. out B. over C. byD. aside

A 84. It must be important, he wouldn’t have called in the middle of the night.

A. or elseB. in addition C. or so D. at least

C 85. It was of them to eat all the food up.

A. urgentB. acid C. greedy D. guilty

D 86. Andrew always carries a computer with him when he goes on a business trip.

A. originalB. helpful C. instant D. portable

B 87. The school authorities have done much improving working and living conditions for the teachers.

A. in place of B. in the way ofC. in terms of D. at the cost of

C 88. The publisher asked the author to his book for popular reading.

A. absorbB. assign C. abridgeD. abandon

A 89. Yesterday we had a swim and we lay on the beach for a while.

A. afterwards B. backwards C. downwards D. forwards

B 90. Have you how long the project will take?

A. carried out B. figured out C. given out D. handed out

D 91. Considering his contributions in this field, Mr. Pritt better treatment than this.

A. assumesB. pleads C. qualifiesD. deserves

A 92. To the surprise of all present, some youngsters shouted his speech.

A. in the midst of C. in accordance with

B. at the point of D. under the condition of

B 93. The attic of the house was full of old, worthless .

A. steam B. stuff C. steak D. staff

C 94. It wasn’t until after midnight that the meeting .

A. broke outB. broke in C. broke up D. broke down

D 95. I could see by the gun in his hand that the man .

A. drew lotsB. took advantage C. set his mind D. meant business

C 96. The workers on strike were told last night “ Go back to work, otherwise you’ll be .”

A. scared B. promoted C. fired D. overtaken

D 97. After leaving the theater, Mr. O’Neil home.

A. looked for B. applied for C. paid forD. headed for

A 98. It was decided to the search when there was no hope of finding the missing steamer.

A. call off B. hold against C. born of D. take hold of

B 99. This office is so small that I don’t think we can another desk.

A. keep from B. fit in C. figure outD. take up

C 100. The reception was going on when the power suddenly .

A. put off B. gave off C. went off D. got off

B 101. No one trusts Felix, for he is never punctual and often his duty.

A. substitutes B. neglects C. interferes D. maintains

A 102. Greater efforts are needed before we can our goal of economic reform.

A. attain B. acquire C. obtain D. gain

D 103. As it turned out, the speaker was shouted down by the crowd.

A. courtesyB. friendly C. Polite D. hostile

C 104. Martin finally succeeded in the two graphs onto the same screen with an overhead projector.

A. pointingB. prescribing C. projecting D. proceeding

B 105. young children may run around and make a lot of noise. Actually they are acting for their age.

A. aggressively B. appropriately C. additionallyD. automatically

A 106. I enjoy my job, but I’d like to do something more .

A. creativeB. hostile C. notable D. internal

C 107. There is no doubt that these measures will the solution of the problem.

A. figure out B. shrug off C. contribute to D. reflect on

D 108. That child’s concentration is poor-----he only listens to the teacher for a few seconds at a time.

A. benefit B. tense C. attitude D. span

A 109. He would be seeing Sarah tonight, and a of her face suddenly came into his mind.

A. visionB. realmC. screen D. shape

C 110. On April 12, 1912 this unsinkable ship hit an iceberg.

A. remarkably B. punctuallyC. supposedlyD. extensively

D 111. Jimmy found it hard to the life of early men without the tools and comforts of modern civilization.

A. polish B. prompt C. possess D. picture

B 112. Jane is highly regarded at her job because she can react properly each situation.

A. from B. toC. withD. in

C 113. Nina wanted to make a model plane, but she did not know how to it.

A. run into B. make for C. go about D. come to

A 114. Robert will never anything unless he works harder.

A. amount to B. turn over C. single out D. serve as

B 115. It was a great success that they all climbed up to the top of the mountain beforedusk scheduled.

A. on B. asC. at D. by

D 116. A loving home environment is essential for a child’s emotional and intellectual .

A. fantasy B. trace C. gesture D. growth

A 117. Tommy did not think it important to his teeth before going to bed.

A. brush B. bloom C. bruise D. blast

B 118. Little did Susan dream of getting a chance to a visit to the Great Wall one day.

A. spend B. payC. attain D. cost

C 119. Lanny has made it a rule to a couple of hours on Sundays for reviewing the lessons he learned during the week.

A. set about B. set out C. set aside D. set forth

D 120. Mrs. Bliss kept the windows shut lest the noise outside should her son’s sleep.

A. send off B. turn against C. break down D. interfere with

C 121. You have gone beyond the speed limit, Slow down a bit you’ll be fined.

A. and B. forC. or D. since

D 122. I wrote to ask him how he was his colleagues.

A. coming up withC. looking down upon

B. making up for D. getting along with

A 123. The TV play’s interest the questions it raises about human nature.

A. lies in B. calls on C. sets aside D. holds back

B 124. I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn’t have any .

A. but B. effect C. impact D. influence

C 125. Picture yourself as winning, that will contribute immeasurably to success.

A. but B. for C. and D. if

B 126. If you recruit under pressure because you are people, you will never recruit qualified people.

A. anxious for B. short of C. angry about D. filled with

A 127. Ann like her new job very much; she has it since the first day she worked in the company.

A. thrown herself into C. qualified herself for

B. enjoyed herself in D. helped herself with

D 128. I think bicycles are a cheap, and pollution-free form of transport.

A. elective B. effective C. electric D. efficient

C 129. The company is providing an $2 million to update its system software.

A. apparent B. around C. additionalD. about

B 130. We were told that the plan must be kept a from our competitors.

A. message B. secret C. section D. notice

A 131. Not long after the incident, the king threatened to the parliament and call an election.

A. dissolve B. organize C. resolve D. settle

C 132. The monument was created the general and his soldiers for their triumph.

A. in tune with C. in honor of

B. in contrast to D. in the hope of

D 133. In the typhoon-hit area lots of rivers their banks.

A. overcameB. overlooked C. overflewD. overflowed

A 134. Much to my annoyance, our letter box is often with junk mail.

A. stuffed B. substituted C. upset D. interfered

C 135. The corrupt law enforcement officers just what is going on in the community—the abuse of drugs, gambling, etc.

A. make concessions to C. turn a blind eye to

B. make a name for D. are concerned about

D 136. I was told that there were a of people who went to her birthday party.

A. mouthful B. SPOONFUL C. cupful D. handful

B 137. Mary felt upset that her boy friend should have left without her .

A. attitude B. knowledge C. gesture D. concession

C 138. Lots of divorced fathers or mothers only their children on weekends.

A. look forward to C. have access to

B. pay attention to D. set their mind to

A 139. The crashed plane is said to be Prague from Cyprus by way of Athens.

A. bound for B. anxious forC. known for D. grateful for

B 140. Bob seems reluctant to his ignorance of the technical know-how that the job requires.

A. maintainB. confess C. overtakeD. neglect

D 141. They had only rehearsed once before the performance; yet they sang perfectly .

A. by chance B. at ease C. on averageD. in tune

feature of the statistics is the big increase in unemployment in

the third quarter of the year.

A. striking B. hostile C. stormy D. creative

B 143. John’s grandfather who had two world wars died at the age of 101.

A. put off B. lived through C. cared for D. belonged to

C 144. You’d better apply for the job as soon as possible—time is .

A. drawing near B. going onC. running out D. setting in

D 145. We talked about out time together in Harvard and it really memories.

A. took down B. brought downC. took back D. brought back

C 146. I didn’t bother having the car checked, a mistake which I paid dearly.

A. in B. with C. for D. about

D 147. Have you sent off your application to that law firm ?

A. formation B. forum C. frame D. form

A 148. We took a cable car to the top of the mountain and took in the magnificent .

A. views B. fields C. sights D. visions

B 149. I can’t figure out why Roger a job which it seemed to me he liked so much.

A. took B. quitted C. worked D. enjoyed

C 150. They the Nazis with the only weapon they had: their voices.

A. contrasted B. commencedC. confronted D. confirmed

B 151. Professor Parker’s lecture was very . It was one of the best lectures I’ve ever attended.

A. repetitive B. impressive C. inadequate D. misleading

A 152. The new electrical engineer’s suggestions were in the revised plan.

A. embodied B. contributed C. generatedD. accommodated

D 153. Constant showers are of the summer in that Asian country.

A. epidemicB. unmistakable C. representative D. characteristic

C 154. Experiments have proved that this fertilizer can the growth of beans.

A. contribute B. provoke C. accelerate D. overtake

B 155. To our delight, there were still some tickets for Saturday’s performance.

A. possibleB. available C. visible D. portable

A 156. The police found the clue was false and .

A. misleading B. handful C. protective D. logical

C 157. Thomas recently bought a house in the suburbs, which is located in beautiful .

A. landscape B. structure C. surroundings D. mansion

D 158. Official figures show that unemployment reached a on November.

A. trend B. cycle C. theme D. peak

A 159. The dove is a of peace.

A. symbolB. sign C. signal D. symptom

C 160. The suggestion was approved, with 42 votes , and 10 against.

A. in forceB. in support C. in favor D. in effect

D 161. They sell these clothes at such a big discount because the style is .

A. miserable B. worthless C. harmful D. outdated

B 162. On the top of Mount Tai tourists can enjoy a view of sunrise on a clear


A. unmistakable B. fantastic C. repetitive D. statistical

C 163. Don’t worry, the damage to the car was a scratch.

A. lean B. sheer C. mere D. messy

A 164. The actress gave us a vivid of her adventure in the tropical jungle.

A. account B. vision C. commentD. amount

B 165. The Ministry of Agriculture is trying to enthusiasm for a project to make saline-alkali fertile.

A. applause B. generate C. identify D. overflow

D 166. The herd of cows the fodder my brothers gathered from the fields.

A. went about B. set off C. dreamed of D. fed on

A 167. Jack had all the symptoms of the disease, including loss of appetite and a high temperature.

A. typical B. physical C. intimate D. primitive

B 168. Such expensive dresses are not available in department stores. You must go to a boutique to get them.

A. frequent B. ordinary C. universal D. common

C 169. I had my grey trousers last week, for they were a bit too long.

A. widened B. lengthened C. shortened D. heightened

D 170. Helen has bought two villas in the suburbs of the city. She must be earning a very large of money.

A. crowd B. number C. plenty D. amount

C 171. Many writers find it harder and harder to the radical changes of our time.

A. come up with B. put up with C. keep up with D. make up for

D 172. If this project is to be , we must have all the help that modern technology can supply.

A. set asideB. amounted to C. put off D. carried on

A 173. With the days seem to slowly, you can tell that you’re not enjoying yourself.

A. go by B. held on C. fit in D. pile up

B 174. This poem a vision of a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony.

A. points out B. conjures up C. switches to D. brings down

C 175. The manager pointed out that his dairy products were superior others’.

A. with B. than C. to D. from

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