kipper's A to Z原文及翻译


Kipper’s A to Z


We won’t need you till much, much later.


This is Kipper’s little friend, Arnold. Arnold has found an ant. A ais for ant. And Arnold.


B bis for box and buzzzzzzzzzzz… They put the ant in the box, and followed the bumblebee.

B b对应着box(盒子)和buzz(嗡嗡声)。他们把蚂蚁放在盒子里,接着是大黄蜂。 It flew away. “Let’s find something beginning with C,” said Kipper. But the caterpillar had already found them! C cis for Crawly caterpillar.

它飞走了。“我们找找以C开头的东西吧,”奇普说道。不过,毛毛虫已经找到他们了!Cc对应着crawly caterpillar(吓人的毛毛虫)。

D d is for duck. “Duck!” said Arnold. The duck was too big to fit into Arnold’s box.

Dd对用着duck(鸭子)。“鸭子!”阿诺德叫道。这个鸭子太大了,装不进阿诺德的盒子里。 And so was the …enormous elephant. Where is the ant? E e is for empty. E eis for elephant.

同样地,enormous elephant(巨大的大象)也装不进去。蚂蚁去哪里了?Ee对应着empty(空空的)。Ee对应着elephant(大象)。

The frog would have fit in Arnold’s box, but Kipper couldn’t catch it. It was too fast! F fis for frog.

这个青蛙能够装进阿诺德的盒子里,但是奇普捉不住它,它太fast(快)了!F f对应着frog(青蛙)。

Arnold was still wondering where the ant had gone, when a little green grasshopper jumped straight into his box. “Good!” said Kipper. G gis for grasshopper.


H h is for hill and happy. They skipped all the way to the top of Big Hill, and down the other side.

Hh对应着hill(山)和happy(快乐的)。他们一路蹦着跳着到了大山顶上,然后从山的另包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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