高中英语基于话题的任务训练 (Topic:Man & Society)示范课


高三英语复习提升:Tasks Based on a Certain Topic

----基于话题的任务训练(Topic:Man & Society)

Teaching Aims:1. To practice the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing

2. To improve the abilities to make out useful information through reading

to help writing and make the most of the reading material

3. To practice, participate and cooperate actively in class

Step I. Brainstorming

Which do you prefer, being the only child of your family or enjoy the company of a sibling? Why?

Step II. Tasks

Activity I Listening


The news mainly conveys that the authorities released a new law, allowing each couple to____ (no more than 5 words) .

Activity II Writing a summary

A notable result from the top legislature's meeting is a change to the Family Planning Law. Lawmakers

have adopted an amendment that officially ends the decades-long one-child policy. It comes amid efforts to counter a shrinking labor force and an aging population. Chinese lawmakers gave the amendment the green light Sunday. From January 1,2016, China will permit every couple to have two children. China’s one-child policy is estimated to have prevented some 400 million births, reducing pressure on resources and the environment. But it also led to several social problems, while the new law will slow down the aging population trend, and boost the economic development

Task: Write a summary of the news report above within 30 words.


Activity III Reading

Passage A

Since the policy of reform and open came out, there is another policy carried out, called the family planning policy. The former contributes to the fast development of Chinese economy, while the latter controls Chinese population. The one-child policy promotes one-child families and forbids couples from having more than one child in urban areas. Additional children will result in large fines: families violating the policy are required to pay monetary penalties and might be denied bonuses at their workplace.

Family planning is the most effective way to solve the population problem, the seriousness of which we often underestimate. Quite obviously family planning has so far miracle little progress. At a time when half of the world is suffering from starvation, poor health and a badly low standard of living, we simply cannot take lightly the population problem. If we don't control the birth rate right now we'll surely lead a miserable life in the near future. Illiteracy ( don’t know how to read or write) is perhaps the main enemy of family planning. Countries, which share the highest birth rate such as Brazil and India, are also those which share the highest illiteracy rate. People there don't even know what "birth control" is. To me, the ignorance etc. Only by lawmaking can we make comprehensive arrangement for and control the problem.

Of course, we cannot deny the necessity of the medical approach and we should use it in conjunction with other methods. The answer to the question whether man can survive one of the crises of the 21st century, namely, population, is in our hands. Since the Chinese Government singled out family planning as one of the basic state policies in 1978, the country has adopted various measures and achieved great success in birth control. The total birth rate has been decreasing gradually. However, at present China's population is still growing very rapidly. It is reported that every year the population of this country increases by an extra 15 million and China is encountering a birth peak during the 1990s.

It is obvious that China's economic development and improvement of people's living standards have been and will be greatly affected by the population. Therefore, to control population growth more strictly is clearly essential to the country's reforms and economic development. We should realize the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to make more effective actions.

The family planning allows each family to raise a child, so the family can have enough money to educate their child. However, Chinese traditional idea embraces more children, and it is believed that more children imply fertility and fortune. But now, people believe that they can focus all their attention on raising the only child as an excellent person. Meanwhile, the family planning policy makes it possible that each person can share more materials, which relieves inequality in the distribution of resources.


1. (主旨大意题)The passage is mainly about _____________________________(no more than 3 words) 2

2. (词义猜测题) Which of the following can replace the underlined word legislation? A. punishment B. legalizationC. award D. cooperation

3. (作者观点态度题)We can infer that the writer's attitude towards "family plan" is _________________ A. supportiveB. objective C. criticalD. indifferent. 4. Cloze test (based on the last two paragraphs)

of the one-child policy are obvious. It has some changes to the current situation. To start with, the birthrate is in ’s birthrate to an extent. What’s more, more time and money can be raising the only child, which also provides better education. Last but not the least, the ___ everyone to enjoy equal allocation of resources, thus 1.A. Problems 2.A. brought out 3.A. rise 4.A. used 5.A. offers 6.A. ridding

B. Drawbacks B. brought about B. raise B. applied B. allows B. relieving

C. Benefits C. brought up C. decline C. devoted C. encourages C. eliminating

Passage B

Officials in China state that one-child policy has prevented about 250 million births since 1980, which is a great success. However, the problems caused by one-child policy should not be neglected.

of one-child policy

The family planning makes the only child feel lonely, while the only child enjoys their priorities. Too much attention on the child also gives them too much pressure, which parents don’t realize. The only child is privileged to enjoy the parents’ love, gets whatever he wants, thus having no idea of sharing things with others. Many couples in China hold the value of son-preference, so they tend to make an abortion if they know their child is a girl, which gives rise to gender imbalance. What’s more, the decrease of birthrate causes the society to face aging population which means the time of population bonus is gone and the young are suffering great pressure to support the old. This will become the barrier to the development of economy in China.

China began relaxing the controversial policy in January 2014, allowing couples to have a second baby if the mother or father was an only child. The move was hailed as a major liberalization of the three-decades-old restriction, but new figures released in January 2015 suggested that fewer people than expected were taking the plunge and expanding their family. Nationwide, nearly 1 million couples eligible under the new rules had applied to have a second child, state media reported at the time. Health officials


D. Doubts D. brought down D. drop D. fixed D. admits D. killing

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