


1. The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourismthe wildlife in the area.

A. InB. onC. at D. with

2. A lot of the animals we need for food have to spend their whole life in tiny spacesthey are killed.

A. whereB. onceC. untilD. when

3. You had better avoidlarge meals at least two hours before going to bed.

A. eatingB. being eaten C. to eatD. to have eaten

4. The Amazon valley is very important to the natural balance of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s oxygenthere.

A. produces B. has producedC. is produced D. was produced

5.I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.

A. ThatB. WhichC.WhileD. When

6. Garlic, a common plant found everywhere in the world, seemslots of medical uses which were unknown to us.

A. haveB. to have C. to be havingD. to have had

7. The moment the door,people began to pack into the hall.

A. openB. have been opened C. have openedD. was opened

8. The Health Center is abuilding located at the Clinton Road.

A. two-storeys B. two-storey C. two storeys D. two storeyed

9. Shein the company for years without any raise in salary, so she decided to quit and find another job in the city.

A. had worked B. was workingC. has worked D. is working

10. My father is not good at doing household repairs. Whenever he can’t fix something,hehis tools.

A. would blameB. blamed C. blames D. has blamed

11.—Can I take my car now?

-- Oh, sorry. Itand won’t be ready till late in the afternoon.

A. has been repairedB. repaired C. is being repairedD. has repaired

12. He didn’t understand the wayI worked out the problem.

A. whichB. whereC. by which D. in which

13. In class the teacher explained to us that lightfaster than sound.

A. travelB. travelsC. traveled D. had traveled

14.The pen my mother bought for me last Sunday smoothly.

A. writesB. is written C. has written D. would write

15. By the time you leave Shanghai, youin this modern city for three years.

A. will stay B. have stayed C. will have stayedD. have been staying 答案:1-5BCACC 6-10BDBAC 11-15CDBAC

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