


all also answer begin boring buywaywell callcleancool country decide givedifferent else English enjoy enough finish fish have help join knd let like littlelook make meet mind no old outside pair police popular practice quiet really return sell shop spend stand stop strict study teach tell time thank think try want


1.across from 2.after all3.at a good price 4.arrive late for

5.be different from 6.be good at7.be good with8.be friendly to

9.be quiet10.brush one’s teeth11.come from12.do one’s homework13.do some shopping 14.get to 15.give back16.go for a walk17.go home 18.have a look 19.have fun20.have to

21.hear from 22.in+颜色23.in fact 24.in front of25.in the hospital 26.live in27.look after 28.play with29.look for

30.play chess 31.take photos 32.talk about 33.tell sb sth.

34.thank sb for 35.the way to 36.think of 37.turn left

38.wait for 39.what about 40.would like









6.连词:and,or,both...and...,not only...but also...,neither...nor...,because So,but.



9.There be句型





重点词汇:HB CD BBC NBA P UFO kg km good morning afternoon evening what this/that color(red yellow green blue green white black purple brown ) my see say can

重点句型:Good morning/afternoon/evening

How are you? I’m fine,Thanks.

What’s this in English? It’s a/an...

What color is it?



Unit 1

重点词汇: name one—ten school friend number he she his her I you your China first zero telephone

重点短语:in English, last name, first name, telephone number

重点句型:What’s your/his/her name? I’m.../My name is.../his name is/her name is Is he Jack? Yes,he is./No.he isn’t.

What’s your first/last name?

语法点:1.动词be(am, is, are)用法。




5.no和not 的辨析;

6.the 的用法

Unit 2

重点词汇:mother father brother sister grandfather/mother parent family uncle aunt these those they have day son daughter here there girl boy of picture photo

重点短语:a picture of, here are, a family tree, in the next photo...

重点句型:This is my.../That is my...These are.../Those are...

Who’s she?

Have a good day!

Are those your parents? Yes,they are/No,they aren’t






Unit 3

重点词汇:pencil eraser dictionary excuse help welcome watch notebook Library some find classroom call must lost mine

重点短语:thank you for, a set of, take out of the...,

ask sb for sth, put...into..., email sb at..., What about...?

重点句子:Excuse me,Grace. What about this dictionary?

Thank you for help. How do you spell it?

Call me at 685-6034





拓展:How many/much/How tall/ How old/How far/How often/How long

Unit 4

重点词汇:where chair table know bookcase sofa hat bed drawer tape thing some think floor room come our always everywhere but

重点词组:under the table on the sofa model plane come on tape player answer the question talk about

重点句型:Do you have these things?

My dictionary and my radio are on the desk.




Unit 5

重点句型:do/does have/has volleyball basketball let us late get great sound interesting boring fun difficult relaxing watch same with only easy

重点词组:watch TV play sports play computer games go to the same school play basketball with sb every day

重点句型:Do you have a ping-pong bat? Yes,I do/No,I don’t.

Does Jane have a tennis ball? Yes,he does/No,he doesn’t That sounds good/interesting!

It’s easy for me.









9.have/has和There be句型的区别。

Unit 6.

重点词汇:tomato birthday fruit right then sure dinner vegetable chicken so habit star well really question want be fat healthy

重点短语:How about think about ask sb about sth eating habits

Healthy food next week at least sport stars want to do

重点句型:Do you like bananas?Yes,I do/No,I don’t.

What do you like for breakfast?

I don’t want to be fat.

Let’s have some apples and pears.

What food do you like and dislike?




Unit 7

重点词汇:much sock T-shirt shorts sweater trousers shoe skirt long need pair take small big short clothes store buy price sell all eleven twelve thirteen fifteen eighteen twenty thirty

重点短语:How much a pair of at...price... come to clothes store

重点句型:Can I help you? Yes,Please/No,thanks.

How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven dollars.

How much are these socks? They are two dollars.

It looks very nice.

I’ll take two pairs.

语法点:1.How much的用法。





6.help sb do/help sth with sth/with one’s help/with the help of sb




Unit 8.

重点词汇:when 一月至十二个月份 second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth test trip festival term month busy There

重点句型:When is your birthday?My birthday is on January fifteenth. Have a good time!

Do you want to come to my birthday party?

When is it? At three this afternoon.

This is a really busy term!

See you there.

What other activities do you like?

语法点:1.由when和How old 引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。





Unit 9

重点词汇:favourite subject science math geography history why free 星期一到星期天 useful finish lesson hour from

重点短语:from...to.... be busy doing/with sth have English play with

重点句型:What’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is.... Why do you like math? Because it’s....

What do you think of....?

How is your....?

Who is your Chinese teacher?






Unit 1

重点词汇:guitar chess draw join club story show drum piano violin also people center weekend teach musician


1.play chess 下国际象棋 15.tell stories 讲故事

2.speak English 说英语 16.after school 放学后

3.talk to... 跟......说 17.in the music room 在音乐教室

4.play the drums 敲鼓 18.show sb 展示给某人

5.play the piano 弹钢琴 19.do Kung Fu 打功夫

6.play the violin 拉小提琴 20.play basketball 打篮球

7.help (sb) with sth 在某方面帮助别人21.play soccer 踢足球

8.be good with 善于;对...有办法 22.play ping-pong 打乒乓球

9.make friends 交朋友 23.play games with sb 和某人做游戏

10.on the weekend (在)周末 24.help (to) with sth 帮助做某事

11.play the guitar弹钢琴 25.need sb to do sth 需要某人做某事

12.want to do sth想要做某事 26.English-speaking students 说英语的学生

13.join the music club加入音乐俱乐部 27.School Music Festival 校园音乐节 school show 校园表演 28.at least 至少

重点句型:Can you do...? Yes,I can/No,I can’t.

I want to do....

What....do you want to do?What....can you do?

Sounds/Smells/Tastes/feels/looks good!




4.join和take part in的区别;do和make的区别


6.be good和介词with,for,to,at的用法

Unit 2

重点词汇:dressed brush usually forty fifty never early station funny exercise best half past quarter quickly either life taste


1.get up 起床 13.get up early/late 起得早/晚

2.get dressed 穿上衣服 14.at half past six 在六点半

3.take/have a shower 15.a quarter past three 三点十五

4.radio station 广播电台 16.a quarter to seven 六点四十五

5.either...or... 或者...或者 17.do homework 做作业

6.lots of 大量;许多18.go to bed 上床睡觉

7.brush teeth 刷牙 19.clean my room 打扫我的房间

8.from...to... 从...到... 20.take a walk 散步

9.be late for sth 做某事迟到 21.get home 到家

10.on weekends 在周末 22.eat a good breakfast 吃顿丰盛的早餐

11.on school days 在上学日 23.at radio station 在广播电台

12.eat breakfast 吃早餐 24.have time to do sth 有时间做某事

重点句型:What time do you usually do sth? I usually do sth at....

I’m never do sth....

I don’t have much time/money to do sth...

I sometimes do sth after school.

You need to do....








8.here be倒装句

Unit 3

重点词汇:train subway ride sixty seventy eighty hundred far minute

every live cross village between afraid leave dream true


1.take the subway 乘地铁 11.have a good day 过得愉快

2.think of 认为 12.walk to 走着去

3.between...and...在...和...之间 13.drive to 开车去

4.come true 14.crossing the river 过河

5.take the train 坐火车 15.go to a ropeway 滑绳索

6.take the bus to 坐公共汽车到 16.one 11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩

7.ride a bike/by bike 骑自行车 17.play with sb 和某人玩

8.one hundred and five 一百零五 18.many of ......中的许多

9.two hundred 两百 19.in the village 在小山村

10.every day 每天 20.bus stop 公共汽车站

重点句型:How does he go/get to...?

How far is it from...to...?

How long does it take you to do sth...? It takes about +时间 I want to know what /how he do sth.

There is no sth for doing sth...

Thank you for +名词或动词ing形式



3.get to/arrive/reach的区别和用法


5.stop to do/stop doing的用法。拓展:如,remember,forget,finish等词语

6.It’s +形容词+for sb+to do sth 的句型的掌握

7.be afraid to do/be afraid of sth


9.think of/think over/think about/think up

Unit 4

重点词汇:rule arrive fight outside wear important bring quiet before dirty more noisy relax terrible strict follow learn


2.listen to 听 14.wear the school uniform 穿校服

3.go out 外出 15.in the library 在图书馆

4.do the dishes 清洗餐具 16.on school nights 在上学期间的晚上

5.be strict (with sb) (对某人)要求严格 17.practice the guitar 练习吉他

6.follow the rules 遵守规则 18.make breakfast 做早餐

7.in the hallways 在走廊内 19.too many 太多

8.in the dining hall 在餐厅 20.make one’s bed 铺床

9.in class 在课堂上 21.run to 跑去

10.on time 按时 22.read a book 看书

11.eat outside 在外吃饭 23.think about 考虑

12.wear a hat 带帽子 24.make rules 制定规章制度

13.a lot of 许多;大量 25.have fun 过得愉快


重点句型:Don’t do....

What do you have to do?

We must be on time to do sth.

Why not do...=Why don’t you do...

*Let’s go fishing,shall we?=Let us go fishing,will you?

What/How about doing sth?


2.must和have to的用法



5.sometime,sometimes,some time,some times的区别

6.区分too many,too much,much too

7.strict with/strict in的区别用法

Unit 5

重点词汇:koala cute giraffe lazy smart beautiful scary kind south pet animal friendly shy save symbol flag place forget kill ivory


2.kind of (非正式)稍微;有点 7.a symbol of good luck 好运的

3.be in (great) danger 处于(极大)危险之中 8.get lost 迷路

4.all day 整天 9.cut down 砍到

4.black and white 黑白相间 10.lose one’s home 失去家园

5.save the elephant 拯救大象 11.made of 由...制成

6.one of ...中之一 12.live in 居住在

13.be from 来自于...

重点句型:Let’s do sth first/last.

Why do you want to do sth?Because they’re....

Why do you like....?

Where are you from=Where do you come from?

语法点:1.形容词的用法(做定语,表语,修饰不定代词,长宽高深老的位置以 及多个形容词修饰一个名词时的位置顺序)

2.kind of/be kind of sb/all kinds of/a kind of的区别用法


4.be made of/be made from

5.one of 后接可数名词复数,表示“...中的一个”


Unit 6

重点词汇:newspaper use wash movie just tomorrow host state dragon young race any other miss wish still


1.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 12..in a pool 在池塘里

2.living room 客厅 13.a student from Shenzhen 一名来自深圳的学生

3.read a newspaper 读报 14.in the United States 在美国

4.talk on the phone 15.make zongzi 包粽子

5.listen to a CD 听CD16.wish to do sth 希望做某事

6.make soup 熬汤 17.like...a lot 非常喜欢

7.wash the dishes 刷盘子 18.a picture of my family 一张我家的照片

8.what about...? ...怎么样? 19.at least 至少

9.TV show 电视节目 20.talk show 脱口秀

10.go to the movies 去看电影 21.study for a test 为测试而学习

11.In the river在河里

重点句型:What are you doing?

I’d love to.

See you then.

Hello,this is Jenny,may I speak to Gina? Hold on,please!



2.other/any other/one...the other.../others/another


Unit 7

重点词汇:rain windy cloudy sunny snow weather message

could back problem again warm visit soon vacation hard country snowy


1.take a message 捎口信 9.in picture d 在图片d中

2.at the park 在公园 10.summer school 暑期学校

3.have a good time/have fun 过得愉快 11.study hard 努力学习

4.take a message for sb给某人捎口信 12.in the mountains 在山上

5.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人某事13.write to 给某人写信

6.call sb back 给某人回电话 14.wear hats 戴帽子

7.no problem 没问题 15.take a photo of a snowman 给雪人拍照

8.right now 立刻,马上

重点句型:How’s the weather in...?=What’s the weather like in...?

How’s it going? Not bad,thanks.

It’s hot in...,isn’t?

May I speak to sb?



Unit 8

重点词汇:restaurant bank hospital street pay near across front behind along enjoy easily spend around turn north


1.post office 邮局 12.turn left 向左转

2.police office 警察局13.at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口

3.pay phone 付费电话14.look like 看起来像

4.across from 在...对面 15.walk along 沿着...走

5.in front of 在...前面 16.on the right 在右边

6.near here 在附近 17.get to 到达

7.in town 在镇上 18.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事/享受做某事

8.be far from 离...远 19.spend time with sb 和某人一起度过时间

9.next to 紧挨着 20.on Sundays 在每个星期日

10.go along 一直走 21.play Chinese chess 下象棋

11.turn right 向右转

重点句型:Is there a ........? Yes,there is./No,there isn’t.

Can you tell me how to get...?/How can I get to...?/Where is 加地点?

语法点:1.there be句型

2.in front of/in the front of


4.enjoy oneself/enjoy doing sth

5.be good at/do well in(反义:be weak in)

Unit 9

重点词汇:curly straight medium height heavy build little later handsome person crime/criminal each way differently describe another end real


1.a little 一点,少量7.wear glasses 戴着眼镜

2.in the end 最后 8.the same way 相同的方面

3.be of medium height 中等身高 9.the real criminal 真正的罪犯

4.be of medium build 中等身材 10.first of all 首先

5.look like 看起来像 11.be good at 擅长;善于

6.a round face 一张圆脸 12.other features 其他的特征

重点句型:What does sb look like?(长相)

What’s sb like?(性格)

What’s sb?(身份,职业)

Is sb tall or short?


2.in the end/at the end of.../at last/finally

3.be different from 反:the same as

4.maybe和may be的区别用法

Unit 10

重点词汇:mutton special would yet order bowl size large answer different if will lucky popular idea


1.would like 愿意;喜欢 13.make a wish 许愿

2.blow out 吹灭 14.in one go 一口气

3.take one’s order 15.in the UK 在英国

4.two bowl’s of beef soup 两碗牛肉汤 16.long noodles 长寿面

5.gongbao chicken 宫保鸡丁 17.a symbol of 一个...的标志/象征

6.mapo tofu 麻婆豆腐 18.long life 长寿

7.around the world 全世界19.must be 一定

8.on their birthday 在他们生日时 20.bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人

9.in different countries 在不同的国家 21.make sb do sth 让某人做某事

10.have birthday cakes with candles 吃插蜡烛的生日蛋糕

11.special food 特色菜22.the number of ......的数量

12.be short of 短缺 23.the birthday person 过生日的人

13.put on your glasses 戴上你的眼镜

重点句型:What would you like? I’m not sure yet.

May I take your order?

What size would you like?

What kind of sth would you like?

Would you like...? Yes,please./No,thanks.

语法点:1.可数名词与不可数名词(含义,各自量的表达,名词复数规则, 常见不规则的可数名词复数)

2.the number of/a number of

3.around the world/all over the world/in the world world

4.be short of

Unit 11

重点词汇:feed quite anything grow pick clean yesterday worry museum fire lovely expensive exciting cheap slow fast gift everything interested dark hear


1.first station 消防站 13.watch the stars 观看星星

2.be interested in 对...感兴趣 14.last year 去年

3.go for a walk 去散步 15.climb the mountains 爬山

4.shool trip 学校组织的旅游 16.go on a school trip 参加学校旅行

5.milk a cow 给奶牛挤奶 17.along the way 沿着路途

6.ride a horse 骑马 18.teach sb 教某人

7.feed chicken 喂鸡 19.buy sth for sb 给某人买某物

8.talk with sb 和某人谈话 20.too many 太多

9.ask sb question 问某人问题21.take photos 照相

10.grow some apples 种植一些苹果 22.not...at all 一点也不;根本不

11.in the countryside 在乡村 23.visit sb 拜访某人

12.go fishing 去钓鱼24.draw pictures 画画

重点句型:How was....?

Did you go....?Yes,I did./No.I didn’t.

I didn’t like sth at all.

What did Tina do?

语法点:1.一般过去时(含义,结构,常接的时间状语,肯定与否定, 一般和特殊的问法,动词过去式的规则与不规则)

2.be interested in sth/doing sth

3.buy sth for sb=buy sb sth

4.teach sb to do sth=teach sb sth/teach oneself

Unit 12

重点词汇:camp beach natural visitor butterfly tired stay away shout language ago tent moon surprise scared move start jump wake into forest


1.run away 跑开 17.a family of 一个...家庭

2.shout at 大声叫喊18.living habits 生活习惯

3.high shool 中学 19.stay up late 熬夜熬得很晚

4.put up 搭起;举起 20.fly a kite 放风筝

5.get a surprise 吃惊 21.swim in a swimming pool 在游泳池里游泳

6.shout to 呼喊 22.go camping 去露营

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  • 上一篇:初中英语形容词和副词的比较级和最高级练习题
  • 下一篇:九年级短语