



? 重点内容为:颜色、数字词汇、方位介词、名词单复数、第三人称


? 带准考证进考场;钢笔、圆珠笔或铅笔(及橡皮)答题(不能用修


? 强调字母书写不要连笔、潦草,让阅卷老师能够很好的识别答案。 ? 要求能拼写数字1—20,人物名字。


总共4部分,每部分开始都有1个或2个例题;每部分考题听两遍。 Part1.

? 重点区分方位词:in(注意不能连在边上),on / under(注意不能连

在边上),next to / between,in front of / behind.

? 注意会有一个图片没有提及,不用连线。


? 数字可用阿拉伯数字代替。

? 名字拼写要求首字母大写,重点区分G/J.


? 仔细观察3个图片的细节,整体听完对话。

? 注意只勾选正确答案,不要在错误答案上做记号。

? 重点考察现在进行时动词的应用。对话为一问一答形式,对于一般

疑问句听清回答yes还是no,对于特殊疑问句听清what还是where. ? 注意先看问题,确定所问的对象及主题,最后一句话很大可能是正



? 必须熟练分辨12种颜色。

? 第一遍听时迅速找出所要涂的颜色的物品所在位置,用彩笔简单的


? 整个涂色应放在第二遍完成。

? 涂色并没有美术要求,不要浪费太多时间在涂色上面。


总共5部分,每部分开始都有1个或2个例题;要求单词拼写正确。 Part1.

? 仔细读句子和看图2遍,画对错号必须清晰,不要涂改。 Part2.

? 熟悉方位词、动词(正在进行时)、体育运动类单词、动作类动词(单


? 句子中描述的每个部分都要符合图片才算对。

? 注意必须用yes或no来回答,不能用对错号等其他符号及文字回答。 Part3.

? 注意字母组合拼写:ea, ck, ight, ou, er等。


? 注意判断名词单复数,看特征:a/an, is/are, some, these, lots of.

? 熟悉动词第三人称单数或进行时变化。

? 会有两个备选答案不需要用。


? 熟悉疑问词when, where, how many, what.

? 能够找到关键信息,用一个单词回答问题,不要写多余的单词。 ? 需要写的单词可能是名词复数、动词ing形式或数字。


? 考生要与考官面对面交谈3-5分钟。

? 考官先用英语问考生姓名;考官在每部分题的开始,都会先演示答


? 考官根据考生与考官互相交流时,能够理解并快速应答相关单词或


? 常用指令词:

Look at/ listen to/ give/ put/ find.

? 主动与考官打招呼:


答题中不明白时:sorry, I don't understand. / Pardon.

考试结束时:thank you, goodbye.


? 通常以where引导的特殊疑问句提问,应迅速指出所问的名词物品。 Part2.

? 通常用以which引导的特殊疑问句提问,应在众多的小卡片中把正


? 然后用祈使句(put the toy car under the table.),应将自己手中的小卡



? 考官问关于大图片的问题,问题一般为:

what's this?

How many ... are there?

What colour is it?

What's the boy doing?


? 考官问关于小卡片的问题,问题一般为:

What's this?

What are these?

Do you like...?

What's your favorite...?

Have you got ...?

Can you ...?

What do you do in your living room?


? 考官问关于考生个人的问题,提问一般仅为3句话,包括年龄、家


How old are you?

What's your friend's name? / What your father's name?

Is your house big or small?

Can you play table tennis?

What's your favourite colour/ animal/ sport/ food? / What food do you like best?

What are you wearing now?


1. 动词ing的变化规则:

? 一般情况下直接在动词后加ing,如play----playing, read----reading ? 动词是以辅元辅结构结尾的重读闭音节,双写最后一个字母,再加

ing,如 swim----swimming, run----running

? 动词是以不发音的e结尾的,去掉e,再加ing,如 ride----riding,


2. 现在进行时:表示现在或当前一般时间正在进行的动作。

? 现在进行时的构成是:be (am / is / are) +动词ing (be为助动词,


I am swimming. 我正在游泳。

She is eating cakes. 她正在吃蛋糕。

We are playing football. 我们正在踢足球。


如:What's the boy doing? He's watering the flowers. 他正在浇花。 ? 翻译:

The boy is playing basketball.

They are singing in the classroom.

I'm reading a book.

What's the man holding?

What's the children playing?

Who is the girl talking with?

Where is the boy swimming?

How many birds are singing?

What's he drawing?

Is Tom playing the guitar?

3. 介词:介词的考察通常出现在听力题的part 1和 part 5中。 ? 方位介词的用法:

? 练习翻译:

Put the lamp on the desk.

Put the jacket behind the sofa.

Put the clock on the wall between the pictures.

Is your pen under the bed? No, it's in the bag.

Can you see the frog near the pond?

Find the bird on the hat and color it yellow.

Can you see the ball between the chair and the house?

Color the book on the floor next to the box blue.

4. 名词单复数变化:

? 一般情况下,直接在名词末尾加上s,清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音后读/z/,

如 apple----apples, turtle----turtles.

? 如果名词以s, x, ch, sh等字母结尾,变复数时在末尾加上es,读/iz/,

如 bus----buses, box----boxes, peach----peaches, brush----brushes.

? 如果名词是以辅音+y结尾的,变y为i再加es,读/z/,如


? 以o结尾的名词,可以加s或者es,读/z/,如 radio----radios,

tomato----tomatoes, photo----photos, potato----potatoes.

? 不规则变化,如

child----children, foot----feet, tooth----teeth, mouse----mice, man----men, woman----women, sheep----sheep, fish----fish.

There are some____playing in the garden. (child)

He has got a big____. (nose)

Mary has two____. (toy)

I can see many____on the bookcase. (book)

There is an____and some bananas on the table. (apple)

Five ____are playing the ball under the tree. (dog)

I like____. (turtle)

Do you like____? (orange)

I have a good____. (friend)

There are some____here. (mouse)

5. 口语句型:

What's your name / your mother's name / your friend's name?

How old are you?

How old is your father / your grandmother / your friend?

What colour / animal / fruit / food / sport do you like?

What's your favourite colour / animal / fruit / food / drink / sport? What's your hobby?

Do you like apples

Do you like blue?

Do you like swimming?

Can you swim?

Have you got a book?

Who is your teacher / your best friend?

How do you go to school?

How many rulers are there?

How many people are there in your family?

Where is the ...?

Where are the ...?

Which is the ...?

Put the ...(in, on, under, behind, between, in front of, next to, near) the... What's this?

What's that?

What is the man doing?

What's on the desk?

What's in my hand?

What do you like to do?

What do you like doing?

What are you wearing?

Hello. Hi.

Nice to meet you.

How do you do.

What can you see?

Is this a jacket?

What have you got?


1. 动物

animal cat dog sheep duck elephant fish lizard butterfly 动物 猫 狗 绵羊 鸭 大象 鱼 蜥蜴 蝴蝶

crocodile cow goat hippo giraffe snake monkeyrabbit bat 鳄鱼 奶牛 山羊 河马 长颈鹿 蛇猴子兔子 蝙蝠 mouse tiger horse chick chicken bird spider lion 老鼠 老虎 马 小鸡 鸡、鸡肉 鸟 蜘蛛 狮子


熊 frog panda bee turtle tortoise puppy monster

青蛙 熊猫 蜜蜂 海龟 乌龟 小狗 妖怪

zebra fox

斑马 狐狸

2. 交通工具

bikebus car motorbike plane helicopter ship 自行车 公共汽车 轿车 摩托车 飞机 直升飞机 轮船 train boat airplane

火车 小船 喷气式飞机

3. 食物、饮料、水果

food drinkfruit French fries fish chicken hot dog 食物 饮料、喝 水果 薯条 鱼 鸡肉 热狗 rice carrot tomato pea sausage cake bread dinner 米饭 胡萝卜 西红柿 豌豆 香肠 蛋糕 面包正餐 sandwich pizza onion coconut milk coffee juice burger 三明治 比萨饼 洋葱 椰子 牛奶 咖啡 果汁 汉堡包 meat ice cream orange banana apple lemon meal

肉 冰淇淋 橘子 香蕉 苹果 柠檬 一餐pineapple pear peach watermelon melon grapes potato 菠萝 梨 桃子 西瓜 甜瓜 葡萄 土豆 mango egg bean breakfast lunch supper lemonade 芒果 鸡蛋 豆角 早饭 午饭 晚饭 柠檬汁strawberry


4. 数字

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen 11 12 13 14 15 1617 eighteen nineteen twenty

18 19 20

5. 颜色

red yellow blue orange green purple brown 红 黄蓝 橙 绿紫棕 grey black white pink

灰 黑白 粉

你每天做什么?What do you do every day?

have breakfast drink milk eat cakes learn English read books

吃早饭 喝牛奶 吃蛋糕 学英语 看书

ride a bike sit on a chair throw a ball sing songs sleep in bed

骑自行车 坐在椅子上 扔球 唱歌睡在床上

tell stories learn Maths take a walk kick a ball play with a dog

讲故事 学数学 散步 踢球 和狗玩

ask and answer questions


动词-ing 形式

painting flying standing eating walking sleeping drawing

着色、漆 飞 站 吃走 睡觉 画画

drinking reading running swimming sitting jumping writing 喝 看书 跑 游泳坐跳 写 riding dancing phoning playing with a dog talking watching 骑跳舞 打电话和狗玩 讲话 观看

spelling kicking

拼写 踢

sport badminton baseball table tennis soccer running cutting 运动 羽毛球 棒球 乒乓球 足球 跑 剪 hockey tennis football basketball climbing three-leg running 曲棍球 网球 足球篮球 爬3条腿跑

frog jumping swinging counting fishing going to school going home 青蛙跳 荡秋千 数数钓鱼 去学校 回家 learning English drawing pictures having lunch riding a bike

学英语画画吃午饭 骑自行车

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  • 上一篇:新概念英语第一册 1--14课期末小测试卷
  • 下一篇:新概念英语第一册单词表(带音标)