


Richard easily defeated, this thing let the king suddenly have a great confidence. The king decided to participate in the war, he appointed himself as general, the Senate elders feel absurd, how can the king served as general, this also let Ulysses feel uneasy.


Ulysses in a city in the south, Diego troops have been unable to defeat his defense. Andrew soon came to the battlefield, he wants to encourage soldiers to attack, but by the lame Joseph opposition, Joseph said to the king: "if the victory of the war, we may not be able to capture or kill Diego, but if the war is lost, his Majesty was captured, the whole country will fall!"


Andrew had to give up his decision, and he began to look for some interesting weapons. In the center of the city, there is a tall tower, the top of the tower, there is a huge bow. This bow only three arrow arrow, it has two meters long, it is a long time ago, this was given the magic bow can shoot dragon. But now it is used in battle, and the bow is a distant enemy.


Andrew began to play with this mysterious weapon, he ordered a man to find an arrow. Then he pulled the bowstring, an arrow flew to the Diego camp. But this time, Diego dear granddaughter, Sara is still playing outside, even the great wizard could not predict that Sara was a mysterious shot.


red, and Diego commanded the army to launch the strongest attack.


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