



1. 很久以前__________________ 3. 发生了什么?______________ 5. 新衣服____________________ 7. hold onto ___________________ 9. turn into ____________________

班级_________ 姓名_________ 得分__________

2. 在天空_________________ 4. 一个晴天_______________ 6. climb up________________ 8. fly away ________________ 10. point at ________________


( ( (( ( 三、单项选择(20分)

( )1. Look! There are _________ in the sky. It will rain, I think.

A. many birds B. a lot of white cloudsC. some black clouds ( )2. ________ heavy rain last night.

A. There is B. It wasC. There was

( )3. Tom ________the Shanghai Museum in this summer holiday.

A. visitB. visitedC. went

( )4. It’s ________now. So we can fly kites in the playground.

A. rainy B. cloudy C. windy

( )5.We saw_____ interesting film this afternoon.

A. aB. an C. the

( )6.I’m an American cowboy.I’m wearing a _____.


B. Jeans



( )7.A_________ man wears a kilt.

A.ScottishA.at first A.picks


( )8.I didn’t know him __________.

B.at oneB.picked

C.on first.


( )9.He often __________apples on the farm.

( )10. My mother was sick, I _________ her.

A.looked for

B. Looked at C. looked after



1. He _________ (live) in Wuxi last year. But he ________ (live) in Jianhu now.

2._________(are) you in the library last night?

3.It’s ________(rain) in spring. It often ________(rain) in New York in spring.

4.I play the piano very ___________ (good).

5.Sam_________ (do) the housework every day.

6. Last Friday,Miss Fox _________(tell) her students this story.

7. The students_________(play) in the playground at four o’clock today.


1. 请试穿这些神奇的衣服。

Please ________ ________ these magic clothes.

2. 两位男士拜访了国王。

Two ________ ________ the king.

3. 后来,天气变得风雨交加。

Then, the weather _________ windy and __________.

4. 天空中飘起了黑云。

There were ________ ________ in the sky.

5. 我们不得不再一次开始讲故事。

We have ________ ________ the story again.


Today is Sunday. It is sunny and windy. I meet my new friend Nancy in the park. But Nancy looks sad. She lost her purse. The purse is from her mother. It is her birthday present. Look, she is looking for her purse. Let me help her. It isn’t on the grass. Oh, it is under the flowers. Now, Nancy is happy.

( ) 1. Nancy is my friend.

( ) 2. The purse is Nancy’s birthday present.

( ) 3. I didn’t help her look for the purse.

( ) 4. The purse is on the grass.

( ) 5. Nancy found her purse at last (最后).


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