

The influence of early childhood education on personal life

Children in early childhood is IQ, EQ, physical fitness development critical period, in the kindergarten have professional teacher in life, learning to give proper guidance and training, first let the children develop a good living habits, to develop quality and intercommunion and cooperation.

All the famous people in the memory of his education during the critical period, they will say that his children's enlightenment teacher gave him the greatest help and guidance.

1. Good behavior habits

Good habits of physical and mental health of children, knowledge acquisition, ability training, moral character, personality formation is essential, will be accompanied by early childhood life, so that children benefit from life. Family education should consciously promote the children's life, learning, thinking, interpersonal habits, such as the formation of habits. According to the age characteristics of children put forward a clear and reasonable requirements, pay attention to the content of specific clear, concise language. According to the ability of young children, the requirements of the gradual increase.

2. Strong sense of curiosity and imagination

Curiosity is the internal motivation for people to actively observe the world, to carry out creative thinking, is an important source of motivation for children to learn, but also an important feature of creative talent. Stimulating the curiosity of children in their daily life learning is an indispensable way for children to accept new things and learn new knowledge easily. The curiosity of children has such characteristics as the immaturity, the situation, the universality and the exploration. Curious children in contact with new things attention, love to ask, love to explore. In the face of the various problems raised by the children, parents should be reasonable treatment, the appropriate way to answer the question and seek truth from facts. Parents should treat children such as the toy apart "vandalism", meet the children take the initiative to explore the psychological, encourages the child to extraneous things and the unknown curiosity and concern.

3. Independence

In early childhood, children's independent consciousness began to develop, showing some independence, and began to make some decisions and actions. The rapid development of children's behavior independence at the age of 3-4 laid the foundation for the future development of emotional independence and cognitive independence. 4-5 years old children with the development of the moral sense and ability of self - evaluation, children gradually understand the random hair temper behavior is not correct, learn of emotion regulation and control, their companions and the activities of interest, in the emotion gradually eliminate the dependence on their parents. 3-5 year old children's cognitive independent level has been improving, beginning with the specific image of things to think, have their own opinions and ideas. Therefore, parents can according to the children's independence development characteristics, founded relaxed environment atmosphere, let the happy to play, communicate freely, make their own decisions, do whatever things, independent thinking to solve the problem.

4. Capacity in many ways

a. Reading interests and habits

Parents can be in daily life and the game let the children to recognize and read characters and feel mathematics, use mathematics to solve the problem, the selection of illustrations and pictures, text, supplemented by, rich in content, close to the life of the book, by telling stories, parent-child reading stories to cultivate children's reading interest and habits.

b. Painting, music and sport ability

The ability to cultivate children's paintings, music and sports activities in play and play. This does not mean, to let the children learn to draw a cup, learn to sing a few songs, childhood to cultivate children's artistic perception ability, aesthetic ability, as well as the enthusiasm for the movement.

c. Self-protection awareness

The pictures, posters and other visual image of the ways to strengthen the child awareness of danger situation and the cause of the accident and the consequences and enhance children's safety awareness, learn to self-protection. D. social skills

Good peer relationship can help children get successful social skills, so that children can have a sense of security and belonging, which is conducive to the development of children's social value and cognitive and healthy personality. Therefore, parents should guide their children to learn to cooperate and share, to deal with peer conflicts, to learn social communication skills and develop friendship.

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