一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)
V 1.oring to th syntti onstrution nlysis, simpl sntn suh s “John isstunt.” longs to __________onstrution.
. nontri
. xontri
. oorint
. suorint
2.Th sntn tht hsNP nVP nshown in_______ formul "S→NP VP".
. hirrhil
. linr
. tr igrm
. vrtil
3.Fromfuntionl pproh, th _______ mning oflngug us onsists of wht is ommunit of th flings n ttitus of th spkr/writr.
. fftiv
. ssoitiv
. stylisti
. ollotiv
4.Whih of th following st stts th hviorist viw of hil lngug quisition? . Lngug quisition ispross of hit formtion.
. Lngug quisition is th spis-spifi proprty of humn ings.
. hilrn r orn with n innt ility to quir lngug.
. Humns r quipp with th nurl prrquisits for
5.On of th proprty of lngug is tht thr is no logil onntion twn mning n souns. This proprty of lngug is ll________.
. ulity
. proutivity
. isplmnt
. ritrrinss
6.Whn w onsir th vrition rlting to whtusr is trying to o with lngug, w r ling with rss rltionship—ontinully tgoriz s “______”.
. tnor of isours
. mo of isours
. fil of isours
. iiolt
7.Th smnti omponnts of th wor “gntlmn” nxprss s __.
. +nimt,+ml,+humn,-ult
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