


Estelle led Blaine's army, and soon unified the north. However, Carlos's original territory was occupied by the great.


Master Rudi Carlos's former followers, since Carlos's death, Rudi greedily took Carlos's territory. He was a man of greed and cowardice, and he was afraid of him. Soon, he and Thomas together, but always dare not and the great flow of people to carry out armed confrontation. In addition, they are also worried about Estelle's attack, only a large flow of people can resist him.


Estelle will want to father's territory, but calm Blaine put forward new opinions: if we hurry to attack, they will combine with you, if we do not attack, they will.


Estelle's mood began to settle down, and he knew that Blaine was right. So he gave up the attack. Rudi and the contradiction of the great flow of people gradually increased, the large flow of people in possession of Rudi's residence, and to share his treasure. The great flow of people think they should make a lot of weapons, the Elves were forced to join the army. The city has lost a large amount of labor, and Rudi's wealth has been lost.


Finally, the large flow of people let the soldiers occupy the land of Rudi. Rudi was furious, he urged Thomas to start against Darius, and promised not to betray Thomas king, he will do all the

power to help Thomas to regain the throne. Thomas happily accepted him, and promised to let him into the top of the State Senate. Of course, Rudi only wants to be a rich and not worried lord.

终于,大流士让士兵占有了卢迪的土地。卢迪怒不可遏,他开始怂恿托马斯对抗大流士,并且许诺自己绝不背叛托马斯国王,他会尽所有力量帮助托马斯夺回王位。托马斯愉快地接受了他,并且许诺让他进入国家的高层,元老院。当然卢迪只想当一位富有没有忧虑的领主。 于是卢迪和托马斯开始策划,他们想要毒害大流士,可是并不可行。谨慎的大流士会让仆人率先尝饭菜和酒水。

Rudi still had a big dinner, he advised Thomas to drink Darius, butThomas drinks first. Half drunk Darius sensed danger, Rudi sent soldiers to massacre.


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