The ORI Martin EAF heat recovery with CHP system is particularly interesting because it is designed to guarantee maximum flexibility in conveying the recovered heat to the District Heating to meet varying seasonal and hourly demand or, alternatively, to the ORC for the remaining portion.
The ORI Martin project will improve the energy efficiency of the steel plant while maintaining competitive industrial activity within the city of Brescia. The project was included in the EU Smart Cities programme called PITAGORAS – to promote sustainable urban planning with innovative and low-energy thermal and power generation from residual and renewable sources[5].
The main parameters of the EAFs and waste heat recovery systems and ORC at ESF and at ORI Martin are summarised in Table 1.
The effective operation of the first ORC heat-to-power system in the steel industry supplied by Turboden proves that ORC responds well to the requirements of steel makers to have efficient, robust, easy-to-operate heat recovery plants capable Components
Electric Furnace
Waste Heat Recovery System ORC
Tapping weight Scrap charging Heat exchanger Heat carrier Pressure
Total steam production (nominal) Steam flow rate to the ORC (nominal)
Steam inlet conditions
Gross ORC active electric power output
ORC captive consumption Net ORC active electric power output
Unit t - - - bar g t/h t/h °C kW kW kW
Elbe-Stahlwerke Feralpi
Riesa, Germany
100 3 Baskets
Radiation + Convection
Steam 27 30 20 245 2,700 120 2,580
ORI MartinBrescia, Italy
Table 1. ESF and ORI Martin with waste heat recovery parameters
The positive experience at ESF in Riesa References
has opened the way to similar applications. [1] Bause, Campana, Filippini, Foresti, Monti, The second Turboden ORC plant is being Pelz, Cogeneration with ORC at Elbe-Stahlwerke installed at ORI Martin in Brescia, Italy. Feralpi EAF Shop. AISTech 2014 proceedings, Different European programmes May 2014.
have supported the development and [2] Archetti, Foresti, Organic Rankine Cycle dissemination of ORC-based waste heat Technology for Steelmakers, ESEC 2014 recovery projects.proceedings, September 2014.
Further EU policy actions, stimulating [3] Neeharika Naik-Dhungel, Waste Heat to investments in advanced heat recovery Power Systems. U.S. Environmental Protection systems, would alleviate some of the Agency CHP Partnership, May 2012.problems experienced by European steel [4] WHAVES Project,
makers in a continent where energy costs [5] PITAGORAS Project, http://pitagorasproject
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