WSi = wind speed corrected to 10 m height for period i [m/s]
Tm_i = module back surface temperature for period i [°C]
Tcell_i = cell operating temperature for period i [°C].
4. Temperature-Corrected Theoretical DC Energy Generation
Temperature-corrected theoretical DC energy will be calculated with averaged values for each 15-minute data interval using Equation (8):
i = defined above
ENDCi = temperature corrected theoretical DC energy over time step i [kWh]
PSTC = summation of nameplate ratings for all installed modules in given power blocks during the acceptance test [kW]
GPOAi = POA irradiance averaged over time step i [W/m2]
GSTC = STC irradiance [1,000 W/m2]
δ = temperature coefficient of power (negative in sign) that corresponds to the installed modules [1 / °C]
Tcell_typ_avg = average annual cell temperature for the project weather file calculated by Equation (5)
Tcell_i = cell operating temperature for period i calculated with Equation (7) [°C]
TimeStepi = date/time interval for each data record i (15 minutes = 0.25 hour) [hr]. ENDCi = (PSTC) * [GPOAi /GSTC] * [1 - δ(Tcell_typ_avg – Tcell_i)] * (TimeStepi)
5. Determine Corrected Measured PR
For the test period, the temperature-corrected PR is determined by summing up the measured AC energy and the temperature-corrected theoretical DC energy over all eligible 15-minute periods (i).
PRcorr = weather-corrected PR for the test period
ENACi = measured AC energy generation [kWh]
ENDCi = temperature-corrected theoretical DC energy [kWh].
Eligible periods are defined in the contract as well as in the “Test Requirements” section of this document.
6. Compare with Guaranteed Values
The test will be deemed a success if the corrected PR is greater than or equal to the guaranteed value with 95% tolerance (or the tolerance specified in the contract) due to uncertainty applied — and if the availability guarantees have been met:
(10) PRcorr ≥ (ContractTolerance) * PRguar
ContractTolerance = tolerance to account for measurement uncertainty, as specified in the contract (95% is recommended as a default value)
PRguar = guaranteed PR defined in the contract.
PRcorr = ∑ [ENACi] / ∑ [ENDCi]
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